Large Scale Central



That may become the name of our “next” GRR. Most of you know we’ve moved, to a Farm WAY out in the sticks of the Upstate. I’ve gotten all of our RR “stuff” in boxes minus the track, and had considered a few years hiatus before getting things back on the rails…that is, until Providence intervened.

Bill Beedon (some may know from MLS), a local gent decided to get outta trains for good. I bought his Shay and a few other goodies a while back. Bill called a few weeks ago and offered me all of his switches for a Very reasonable sum. I took the bait thinking, what would it hurt to box them up as well and use them later?..when I arrived to purchase said switches, he informed me that he didn’t need and wanted to give me all of his Split-Jaw “Mainline Roadbed”, from his entire layout…Nice!

so I tossed it in the truck really fast, before he could change his mind! :slight_smile:

The roadbed will allow me a few things:

Quicker establishment of line
Use of 3/4" PVC left over from the last 2 layouts feat. the “Strong Method”
A tried track plan
Much less line maintenance

I’m kinda excited by all of this and now have to get serious about where I want to put it down!

oh, and I forgot to mention, I purchased his curve trestle and compression bridge as well (both scratch built by Bill)

Maybe I’ll get some pics posted, it takes forEVER to upload way down here!

back soon…


Theres tracklaying in the air…

Ah, the smell of layout building!

Track Mojo seems to be everywhere this spring

Cale I just knew it wouldn’t be too long before track would start to be laid down on the farm. :wink:

When will it be done?

Pictures, lots of pictures!!!

You’ll be needing the Rail bender back soon.

I got my Mojo. Film at Eleven.

Im glad to hear you are going to start building. I know I would have a hard time having trains and no layout.

Shawn said:
Im glad to hear you are going to start building. I know I would have a hard time having trains and no layout.
It's like having Ken and Barbie but no house to put them in! We all know you have been there Shawn and have felt your pain!:)
David Russell said:
Shawn said:
Im glad to hear you are going to start building. I know I would have a hard time having trains and no layout.
It's like having Ken and Barbie but no house to put them in! We all know you have been there Shawn and have felt your pain!:)
Therapy really helped me with that one. Many sleepless night and days curled up sucking my thumb. LOL