You heard it here second.
On another forum, a G scale company executive said (defending their proprietary system and taking more shots at DCC):
"Also, the fact is that only the signal itself is standard in DCC, but the equipment is different from vendor to vendor as they all manipulate to compete with each other. "
“We have heard that after a few years the boards need to be replaced and there are always issues about compatibility based on new codes for new features.”
sigh… in my opinion (and watering down my words) … doublespeak and misleading… but how can you miss the obvious? Maybe it is true that mixing that magic powder with water makes you believe anything.
There are some major things right about non-proprietary systems, and one is interoperability. (Ok everyone that makes a proprietary system, relax, you do have your place, and this is not a Greg E. vs. Tony W. vs. Del T. thread… )
This is about why “open systems” are helpful.
I have a lot of different locos. Not all DCC decoders from NCE do what I want, nor is the QSI always the best choice, nor a Zimo, or a Digitrax, nor an ESU, nor a Massoth, nor a Soundtraxx…
BUT, I have the ability to make up my own mind and make my own decision of what I want to use on my DCC system.
And if some day I switch from NCE to Zimo or another system, guess what, all my locomotives will still work fine with no reprogramming or hardware changes.
Now the statement #1 above is misleading… the decoders in the locos all meet the standard, and the electronics to put it to the rails also do so. Saying equipment is different from vendor to vendor is misleading. This is like saying: even though all cars run on streets of the same width, and have white headlights and red taillights, they are bad because not all the parts are interchangeable, you cannot put a ford ashtray in a chevy.
Statement #2 is basically the pot calling the kettle black. Of all the companies that make nothing backwards compatible, this particular one has many different versions that do not work with each other and they all are called by the same name.
The statement is also a LIE, DCC boards do not need to be replaced after a few years. Where does this come from? I have never heard this, and certainly DCC has existed much longer than any ONE incarnation of that company’s R/C system.
Sorry, this is blatently untrue, and no one with an IQ over room temperature should believe this.
My DCC system will run DCC stuff made years ago, and there are systems that even will run all the non-standard varients like MTS and the Motorola protocol, and those systems can be purchased today.
Maybe the technique is to accuse other systems of this company’s OWN SHORTCOMINGS?
It surely seems to fit the bill.
So, I don’t want to hear about Aristo bashing any more, unless you want to admit that DCC bashing is fine. Why should we embrace this kind of misdirection and blatant untruths? It’s ok to try to kill off all the smaller DCC companies? Everyone is happy that Soundtraxx no longer makes a large scale sound system, that they don’t have the finances to bring out the Large Scale Tsunami?
This is a big company trying to throw it’s weight around by BASHING and telling untruths. Why cannot their product just be advertised on it’s own merits? Think about that, and you may come up with the right answer.
Regards, Greg