Large Scale Central

Programming LGB 65001 for 2028D Mogul - What’s needed?

I am trying to “configure” the LGB 65001 (with 65011) to work properly on my 2028D Mogul. I just got back into large scale after a 25 year break. A lot has changed. I am currently running analog and will eventually switch to battery. So, digital is not of any interest to me besides programming the configuration of these devices. I see that instead of programming CV 193 to sync the speed, I can add a chuff sensor - but I still need to change CV 195 to make the chuff sensor work.

How can I most cost inexpensively get the hardware needed to program the 65001? What do I need? Can I just use my existing power pack for programming, or will I need the LGB pack?

I am having problems figuring out how to proceed to change these settings and what they should be. The chuff doesn’t have to sync perfectly, but now it doesn’t even remotely sync. I have e-mailed several folks with online sites, but have not received any responses. Thanks!!

Welcome, Steve.

Others will know more, but I wonder if JMRI (freeware) will work with it?

But that requires a DCC command station & etc. Are you using it with a full DCC system, or without (only on DC)?

Not quite sure why someone would want to do this, plus I have not seen LGB electronics reconfigured (programed) to do something else, or other electronics added into an LGB board. Not saying it can’t be done, but why, is it, is it the cost of the new electronics, or just wanting a project to see if it can be done. In today’s world many of us have just taken all the factory electronics in out engines and pitched them in our junk box and replaced all with something like Rail Pro, or DCC. I can tell you with Rail Pro in my LGB engines the engine will creep along at speed you almost can’t see and the sounds and features you get bring these old engines and electronics to life. Good Luck on your electronic adventure, but in the long run you will still end up with old electronics and poor engine performance.

Thanks! My point is to stick with analog but just make the sound sync with the engine. Currently, the engine and sound are not synced. There is a setting in the 65001 that I can change to make it closer. All I need to do is figure out what hardware I need to change that setting. I have no plans to move to DCC. I will ultimately move to battery, though now I’m using DC.

Can’t help ya’ Steve but I can welcome you to LSC and bring this back to the top for you !

Do you have any local pals with DCC? They could probably set your CV’s for you.

Cliff: I’d like the ability to make changes myself, particularly if I want to refine them or add more sound units.

Will the LGB 55015 program CVs in the 100-200 range? I seem to recall reading somewhere about some limitations, but can’t find those now? I could probably find a 55015 and use it with my existing power pack, could I not?

Steve, I’m afraid I have no idea. I know who would, though: Dan Pierce (@piercedan). He hasn’t been active here lately, but if you look him up you can message him. For many years (and may still do it), Dan worked for Train Li, doing various upgrades and repairs to LGB equipment, and I’ll bet he’d be the one to talk to.

A second resource would be calling Joane Tillman at, she runs the company, is very kind and knowledgeable, and could put you in touch with someone.

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