Large Scale Central

Probelm Solving

The slippy back for some has been a problem getting to the Highline,so…

After tunnel #4 was built I put steps in. Place tried to stay away from the tree. Next the 2nd loop for the Highline.

I will level it, build a retaining wall and 10’dia is min. thus NO big trains. I had 20’dia stuck on the brain, but this will work for many folks. This won’t let me edit my title. Mis-spelled,Bob,please

But Marty, we all get to see a perfectionist’s mistakes this way…:smiley:


What’s the probelm? That’s the way I spell it!


That’s what I would expect for someone from Wenatchee…:smiley:


PS: Got modules ok :slight_smile: Jens got the turnouts repaired and reinstalled on them Saturday. They are ready to go.

Warren Mumpower said:
PS: Got modules ok :) Jens got the turnouts repaired and reinstalled on them Saturday. They are ready to go.
Roger that

Speaking of problem solving, I have recieved CDs from visitors and main I found many little things that need to be adjusted. My theme for the day was cat walks on bridges. Making sure they are straight and lined up. I also got the next GMM catwalks ready for the newest bridge not built yet.

I also found a single track bridge that will be easier to build.

something went wrong??


Keep the cats off them walks and they’ll stay straight. :wink: :slight_smile:

Marty likes steel and concrete. Don’t expect he’ll have trouble with cats overloading his walks :wink:

OK,Work has slowed down because of another house we are building the roof system for. And its a hard one. But today I finished all the track UP to the big bridge on both sides.

south loop

Here is a temporary bridge support over …Craig’s Canyon… Named after our good friend Craig Hofsheier. Donny and I were working awhile back talking about the idea.

I tried to build up the retaining wall right of the tracks ( across from telephone pole)for better access and I needed the rocks from there. Not sure which weekend I can rebuild the big bridge. I’m still waiting on a better welder to arrive. There will be NO Walking over tracks signs because there is no longer room to croos with out damaging something.

"…NO Walking over tracks signs because there is . . . "

Ahhh Ohhhhh starting to sound a lot like a class1 vs a shortline !!

What next . . . no railfanning past the rope line :sunglasses: LOL

I also don’t know about those official lookin’ steps you provided especially being in the land of litegation(sp?) first vs lack of accountability/commonsense, if someone were to snag their toe on hard PT instead of slipping a bit on loose dirt :wink:

BUT that said . . . . the bridge crossing and the trackwork DO look real REAL !!

Thanks again for sharing some more in-progress shots.

doug c