Large Scale Central

Prize for Challenge...

With Dave’s permission, here’s the prize I’d like to award to someone this year; problem is I don’t know what to make the award for? Does anyone have a good idea? (It’s nice but not that big a deal really…it was given to me by a man who makes these in his storefront up there in Georgetown.) edit: I was thinking maybe something like “Best Old-Time Structure”?

There you go your prize your category. I like the category. For me personally I really like to see the weathered look. So maybe old well used structure. As opposed to a just built looking old structure. That’s my two cents

Well I think since the build was about starting with tin, we ought to award this nice framed Colorado and Southern display to the best tin. I say WE because I hope a few of you will have suggestions, even if you want to just send me an email. I know that “best” is definitely in the eye of the beholder, so maybe it should be “The Most Convincing Tin Weathering Job” or words to that effect.

Anyway, like I said somewhere else, Dave should be really proud of what everyone did with the Taylor Tin Works product.

Oh, so those of us who decided to build “new” aren’t even in the running. Ok. Fine, be that way.

Yea, I am just kidding around. Don’t take me too seriously, I know I don’t.(

How about “I have room on my wall for it and it would really look good there”.

I think we have a winner!

David Maynard said:

Oh, so those of us who decided to build “new” aren’t even in the running. Ok. Fine, be that way.

Yea, I am just kidding around. Don’t take me too seriously, I know I don’t.(

Ha! I knew you were kidding around, but actually that gave me a great idea. I know exactly how to make this award now!

Cool (, I guess (