Large Scale Central

Printing my engine - need motive power

I came across someone on Thingiverse who provided the design files to 3D print an EMD SW1500 see here

The only thing is that he did it in 1:32 so to get it to 1:29 to match my other Aristo and USA Train engines I’m going to scale the design files and eventually 3D print the engine at 1:29th scale.

I want some powered wheels for this, so my question to you all, what should I go searching for? Should I just use the USA Train replacement motor truck for a NW2 or does anyone else have a different suggestion?

Not exactly scratch building in my book, but it is one step closer to me to get there.


Yep, the NW2 would be a good choice, probably as close as you can get.

Keep us informed as your build progresses.


*a note: watch out printing a solid fuel tank!!!

I have printed the 1:32 as well as ordering the 1:29 from Mark; then realized it was a rescaled 1:32–could have saved myself some $…

It was about a 1 week later discovery… (