One of the most enjoyable parts of our semi-annual “Ops Session”, is the inventory and positioning of the rolling stock. Since we only hold two of these weekends a year, rolling stock gets moved, removed or added between sessions. By doing a “Car Location” inventory with RailOps, I get a report of where the rolling stock is suppose to be located at the beginning of a session. Cars that are suppose to be in the garage (Fiddle) are in the basement and vicea/versea. Cars that are suppose to be at a location in the front yard or backyard have to be stored at a protected location. By Friday afternoon, everything will need to be at the proper prestaging location. Obviously, the easy way would be to hand carry the cars and sort with the sky crane. Instead, we take about 4 evenings of moving equipment by rail and sorting or blocking strings of cars on the inside ready tracks prepping them to be ready to go. All inside locations can obviously be set up and prestaged as to the exact location, but that can’t be the way for the front yard sidings and even some of the backyard locations get put away until the last couple of days.
There are two tracks right inside the basement window (Southern Jct). Main track is Southern Branch and the siding is Southern Branch Interchange. Since physically, Southern Branch is north of the other track, it gets prestaged with all rolling stock headed to the front yard or north and is handled by the “KV Setup North”. The south track is Southern Branch Interchange and it gets rolling stock handled by the “KV Setup South”. These will be the first moves of the days of the operations. There are also transfer runs of cars headed to Fiddle (the garage) or out to KV Water (hose locker in the front yard). Each day or the weekend ends by running “KV Sweeper South” and “KV Sweeper North”, going back to those same tracks right inside the basement window.
As we charge batteries and test equipment these are the functions that are being carried out. It allows us to test turnouts, trackage and get in the true mood of running the railroad. Its been going on since Sunday evening and really adds to the excitement of the up coming event.
Its all for fun, but it drives my wife nuts.