Noel Wilson and myself are doing a “live” train show this Friday nite on Livestream, from 7-9pm MST. So if you want to learn sumtin, and or just have some fun come and join us!! See ya there!! Regal/Noel
Now looks like we can post stuff again… great… Like Regal said we are going to try to have a holidays Fri. night show and hope to see ya on his channel with our network. We have a few things to show and tell and one only cost a penney to make if you have like us old scrap laying around and a couple of Aristo or LGB manual track switches…
Boy this is real hard to get any photos in… Guess the 5 meg is not enough to work 2 meg photos . Had to get rid of photos off of other post to make room… Anyway made this as small of a photo as i can go… Have to remember that. Hold off on photos and use links to other websites… Firefox won’t even work the frt. shed from here on any of the three puters and two difference servers? Hope to see you at our live show. Merry Xmas from Noel & Jane
Noel - I think you need to look at the compression you are using on your photos. 2 MB is about normal for an uncompressed 6-10 Megapixel picture. This picture is 800 x 518 pixels…
It uses moderate compression and is 114 Kilobytes which is fairly large. . I could fit almost 450 of these in a 5Gb space. If you need more Bob will be happy to rent you a bigger chunk
Guess i’m lost on fig. this out… maybe you can see what I’M doing wrong…
Cam taken with 8.1 pixel cam. photo are are 3264 X2248 pixels = 2.2Mb.
I use Inrfanview program to resize them down to 800 x 600 or some i do at 640 x 480 pixels.
So how do yo resize your to get the Mb down… ??? Or is there another program you use??
I know on some of the animation inserts are much larger bits… but can handle them in and out for short time use.
oh… tks for the comeback need suggestions… laf… Noel.
Noel - I have Irfanview Ver. 4, but I don’t generally use it except for processing images in batch mode. With V4, it looks like if you re-size a single image, when you do Save or Save-As, you get a JPEG/GIF Save Options window. In that window is a Save Quality slider. By default it is set at Best or 100% (no compression).
I started with a 10 Megapixel photo (3888x2952 pixels) that was 4.15MB in size. I re-sized to 800x600 at 72 DPI preserving aspect ratio. When I saved the file I set the Quality to 70 which is pretty good. The resulting file is 800 x 533 pixels and 52KB.
So, it looks like you are saving at Best, or very high quality. Drop the quality down and you will save a lot of disk space. Be sure to keep the original full-size un-compressed photos.
ok …I see it now Jon… Tk’s . for the quick ans…
. … So maybe I can get more up on here for the shows. Kept getting hung up on adding photos / posting for our show… I didn’t know i had a problem here . I had no problems on other sites to have to go looking for needed help… tks again… hope to see you Fri. night.
Merry Charistmas…
Don’t pay any attention to the last 4 posts above this one!! Just an ole guy’s ramblings, now to more important stuff!!
BUMP & BUMP AGAIN Hah LOL Regal See ya Friday
Big Bump!!! Ok guys today is the day, be there or be square!! Hah LOL Tonight is the night for the show, we hope to see you guys there, as Noel and I expressed, we enjoy doing these shows, and thanks to those that have come in to view us, we appreciate it very much. It takes a lot of time, and effort to put on a show like this, especially for Noel who enjoys the heck out of doing things for you. BUT when we only get 5 or 6 people watching, we wonder if it’s really something you guys are interested in. We know you all have scheduling problems and time constraint, but if you would sincerely like to see us do more of these shows, (won’t be every week like before) but maybe once a month or every two weeks. It has boiled down to Friday Nites, Sat mornings,or afternoons, and or Sunday afternoons. Any suggestions, comments,??? Thanks for your support, and come on in and show Noel that this show we are doing is something interesting, and or entertaining to you by your support of it. We do it because we love trains and all things related, we are not in this for any kind of compensation, or ratings, and such! only your participation by viewing and supporting (by your presence,nothing else) something WE think is pretty NEATO!! Thanks everyone have a nice holiday, especially if I don’t get the opportunity after this!! Thanks again Noel and Regal
It’s Raining Deer out der now??? oh boy hope you got a big shovel to clean up after em!! Regal
Regal, myself and Jane thank for watching our show…
We understand there was a few that could not log in to the chat box.
Guess we need to at begin of show, show how to log in to chat box. You can use any name you want and don’t use the space for a pass word.
Pass word is if you are going for a Livestream acct. Guess it kinda confusing to some…
Sorry we had to put the log in, but It’s to keep control of the punks and bad language that come in to and mess things up…
So just log in with a any user name you want to set you chat box.
Happy Holidays …
I just caught the end of the show due to a road trip today.
It was nice to “see” you again