Large Scale Central

Posting Photos

I know in the past I have posted pictures here. However, when I tried to post some tonight I got stumped. Can someone refresh my memory of how to go about posting photos ?

Load to your new freight shed and copy to post by ‘copy image location’

Open the pic, right click on it and chose copy image location, paste that into the box that the mountain icon opens>ok; there you go.

Move cursor down for next pic.

firefox terms.

Succinctly yours,


Good start John. Now how do I load pictures onto my freight shed, which I think I may have just created ?

I think I got it John. Thanks for your help.


A note on the freight sheds, you can upload more than one at a time.Click on browse each time. Ignore the notation of the just loaded pic to the right, it tells you the last one up. You don’t loose it browsing for the next.

After you have selected them hit the upload button.


I have been using the album feature rather than the freight shed. now I’d doesn’t work for me. what happened? could I have filled it? is there a limit? can I buy more space? or should I work with the freight she’d which I had found a bit cumbersome ?

Yes, there is a limit on the album, That is why there are freight sheds. And its not really all that cumbersome, once you get used to how to make it work. And you find out how to make it work, by finding all the ways to make it not work first.

With the looming disaster over on MLS, I’ll have to keep this in mind.

Freight shed test…

hey I see a photo…I’ll try some more when I get a good photo to add!

Do you get sugar from that ‘cane’? Has the Hawaiian loading down pat. I’d say you passed the test.
