Large Scale Central

Portable steam layout

With the days being shorter there is a lot less time for running trains. There are times I want to run some trains either to test something out or just sit back and watch some trains run. For the last few year have been setting up track on the garage floor. After a while it gets old having the track on the ground, especially if Im trying to test something or work on something like live steam. I decided I needed a portable steam layout. I saw an article in steam in the garden and two people building one over on MLS. It got me thinking. I have 6ft circle of track and a few 4ft straights. I started out with the 6ft. I cut the boards on the outside but giving room to add 8ft curves eventually. I have it in 6 sections and the center cut out to save space and cut weight. I also left some room on the inside for some building. I also plan on using it outdoors during club meetings to run some live steamers that cant handle my grades. I started adding some bracing to the bottom then I will add some legs and then come up with a way to connect the pieces. (I have a few ideas) The top will be painted and some dirt to give it a more natural look. So far this is what it looks like.

Shawn, Built one for a Store window display. I used a strip of ply about 6 " wide at each joint. Glued and screwed 3" on one side of the joint, Butted up the other and screwed the other side. For stiffeners i used 1x2 (really 3/4 x 1 5/8) ripped from 2x4’4 on edge and glued and screwed from the top of the board. For my 18" legs, 2x4’s on end and screwed from the top. It was short, and out of reach. Longer legs would need better leg bracing, 1x2 diagonal bracing between the legs.

Please show us what develops, and most of all have fun…

Good idea Shawn. I put up a garden train layout on a 20 foot flat bed trailer (two tracks and a few buildings), (made the board 12x24 on top of the trailer), (folded out when I get to where I’m going). I’ve towed the mobile train to a retirement center, the town plaza for a christmas display, and to one school. Gotta put up some barriers so the little ones don’t try to grab stuff, but it’s been fun. Not doing it this year due to schedules, but I hope to have more time next year to expand my travels with it. I’ve some pics somewhere. Will try to post them. It also enables one to run during the winter when snow is too deep, if it’s set up. Anyway, just another idea.

Nevermind, I just figured out how to contact him. Thanks. Odd note here…belonged in another thread. Don’t know how it got here. Anyway, I did manage to connect with who I was talking about…Daniel Peck.

Thanks guys. I got the framing underneath each section complete. Next I have to figure a way to attach each section so the stay together. One way is to use a bolt with a wing nut. Then I have to figure out a system for legs. I would like to have them fold up under each section and be ajustable for uneven ground. Im tinking about also trying pvc pipe using a small and large section with holes drilled into them so I can adjust the height. Also be able to screw them into the bottom. Here is the underside of each section. The straight section


Curve sections


Very impressive and sturdy construction. Looks good.

Doc Tom

Shawn said:
With the days being shorter there is a lot less time for running trains.]
Tell the truth! Your spending all your time riding your tricycle around the driveway after school!

Looks good Shawn. You might want to look up Ric Goldings rebuild thread of the timesaver for better ideas

You should build it in one of your sheds. Or are you venturing out on your own with your own modular group? LOL. Either way it would be great to have that option.


Hey Shawn, the way our club modular layout is held together is by door hinges. We set up the layout and clamped the tables together. Then we mounted the door hinges to both sides of the tables with the hinge pins in the middle of the joint. Remove the door hinge pins and the tables come apart. I’ll have to see if I can find a picture for you.


After spending a while today in Lowes looking for ways to makes legs for the portable layout I finally found something that will work. Although not as portable as I would like it. I first wanted to use PVC pipe but couldnt find a way to secure it to the layout and be able to take it off easy. I found some nice table legs that would have worked perfect. They could have screwed right into the layout. The only problem was cost. Would have cost me more then I wanted to spend. After searching around I came across the square spindles used for deck rails. They costed 99 cents each. Could not beat that price. I was going to use hinges on the legs so I could fold the legs into the table. This proved to be a bad idea. The hinges were not strong enough and twisted. Finally I went with a simple solution using a bolt with a wing nut. I added some cross pieces on the bottom and top for support. So far they seem to work great. Disadvantage is I cant fold them under the table. The one straight section starts with two legs. This allowes me to set the first section up and have it stand on its own. All the other section will have one set of legs in the center. The sections are connected using two bolts and wing nuts. I will add one leg in the back middle where the two turn sections join. This will be screwed on like a table leg. Im about halfway complete. Then I might have to tweak a few spots. But so far its seems to work and is easy to set up.






Rooster if you read my post its the spot that I have to add a square leg that will screw on in the back. Its actually not too bad as long as you dont lean on it. :slight_smile:

Shawn said:
Rooster if you read my post're expecting a bit much from poor ole Rooster. Pictures he understands ;) Ralph

Looks like you’re rolling along there Shawn. :slight_smile:


Good job Shawn :slight_smile:
