Large Scale Central

Portable Pizza Layout

Dave Taylor said:

Every one needs to click back on the 1st page of this build! Look at the start, and look at where this “Pizza” has evolved to. WOW!

Vic, No where can I find where you give the overall size of this thing. I’m guessing that it’s about 3 foot cubed?

Its a massively huge 4’0" W x 3’6" D

Update time, after going to the BTS and dragging what i thought was a nice little selection of new projects to run on the layout I got a nasty surprise Saturday morning when two of them went south on me, one of them the Lil Big Hauler Bumble Bee on its first run rammed its cylinder into the tunnel portal and stuck solid, tuned it around, because sometimes something wont go in one direction but it will in the other, but same result, clunk! so off it came then later I tried running my Lil Big Hauler combine goose project, it ran great, for about 3 circuits, then it slowed and then stopped, while the motor was still happily whirring away, dagnabbed drive gear cam loose on the dangified axle. RATS! thats a 10 year old but rarely used NWSL Super Magic Carpet shot. Now I am awaiting a replacement drive mech for the goose, not another Magic Carpet, something decidedly more robust (IOW’s: low tech).

As for the Pizza, since the show I performed an x-acto blade horror show on the Bumble Bee, moving the cylinders inward about 1/8 inch each side, now it fits but there is an annoying click somewhere in the drive rods, I also broke out the Instruments of Violence and took to the sidewalls and tunnel portals of the pizza to widen the openings for not just the Bee but several other “never fit in there” engines. I am now proud to say every small but slightly so large engine that failed the pizza test now fits (if barely) including this monstrosity:

SO now its continued testing of a couple other beasties, but I am glad to see that some of my more interesting bashes are now on the plate for the shows.

The NWSL-motor on that “bashed” trolley self-destructed on its maiden run during the Southwest show at Fairplex a couple years ago.

It took awhile to get it back but NWSL replaced the motor without a problem and it runs fine.

Do you think Lock-Tite can fix that slipped gear?

Doug I doubt it, I think what happened was that as it has exposed gears, I dabbed some La Belle lube onto the gears, which being exposed eventually seeped down onto the axle and worked its way into and under the pressed on drive gear, that was enough to break the compression friction connection on the axle… dam fine stuff that La Belle.

Problem is that its been almost 10 years since I purchased the drive (2004), I doubt even NWSL would accept responsibility for replacing it. Besides I have an LGB handcar drive coming my way thanks to Stan Cedarleaf, who offered it at the show when the goose blew up on me. So well see how much Violence it takes to fit that to the goose.

I’ll set aside the NWSL unit to see what can be done with it.

PS: follow up to my above post. Been retesting the few not-so-small units I have that didn’t pass the Pizza test and doing unspeakable violence to the pizza to make them work, well I thought the mods for the Mining Mack above were harsh, they were nothing compared to the hacking needed to make this one workable:


Portable pizza detail 01

Just a quick pic, with the SWGRS shut down for this year I have to redirect my efforts for the time being, so I am focusing on sorting out the storage situation on both my layouts, while there is storage above the harbor layout it is not that great for storing the pizza stock, which is currently split between the indoor workbench area and the outdoor space. I decided to add storage shelves to the pizza itself for the most commonly used stock, the idea being to keep the engines indoors while letting the rolling stock reside in the garage with the layout itself.

This is also why I placed the wanted ad in the sale section plastic track as I ran out, I had to take plastic track from the overhead harbor shelves just to fill the side shelves, which are already stuffed with cars.

Thats it for now, will post some pics once Shawns track arrives.

That look great with the way you store everything. Very compact.

Thanks Shawn, with the SWGRS gone, I have till January before the next show, so I figure I better get some “house cleaning” done in regards to organizing both the layouts.

Just a quick video showing the pizza at this years Big train Show, have one more video to upload:


Great video! Really enjoyed it.



That’s was great. First time I’ve gotten to see all the little details on that…:wink:

I love the worn down tunnel portal timbers on the outside …them caboose marker lites fit just right.

Dave on the pizza I measure clearances in millimeters, sometimes less so that things get wedged in the portals.

Holly Cow Vic! There must be more than $1000 worth of people on that little pizza. Looks great, just needs a bit of oil on them journals!

Nah Randy, I can’t have spent that much…I sure hope I haven’t spent that much. I bought most of my figures from John Schneider back when he was still coming to shows with his “Just Plain Folks” booth, I would buy figures out of his second hand piles. Same today, I rarely buy new and am always on the lookout for used figures, especially unique ones.

A second shorter video, this one trying to get a birdseye view over the layout, just for fun.

Some updates on the Pizza:
FINALLy got something done I’ve been wanting to do for about a year now, and added some details I wanted to do since finishing the anti-child-at-the-controls cardboard box building.

Bit of a ruckus when Slim and Archie while holding their daily highly illegal poker game on the roof of the drug store, came a ‘disagreement’ when they both tried playing the identical poker hand…

But that ruckus was nothing compare to over by the Jailhouse …something was up

unlike Officer Dounught, nothing get by Sparky the Police Dog!

Whats got Sparky’s attention, Uh oh looks like theres been a jailbreak, dangin’it all the county should have known better than to build the jailhouse out of that cardboard adobe !

Thats it for now, but a heads up, my photo storage site is getting near full so I have no choice but to start deleting some the oldest pics regarding this pizza building thread, I will keep the most relevant pics but I have so many over the years its just time for alot of them to go.

Love it, Well done(

Great job on the scenery.

This is the first time I looked at this entire thread. You obviously have no clue what a large scale RR can and can not do. I mean if you paid any attention at all in the discussion about curve diameters, switch sizes and configurations, clearances what ever; then you would realize that your layout will never work. :slight_smile:

I love it. It is an inspiration to me. Makes me realize what I will be able to do on my 45/32 indoor when I get started. It will be 12 by 6 which by your standards will be gigantic.

I would love to see what you would dream up outdoors.