Update time, after going to the BTS and dragging what i thought was a nice little selection of new projects to run on the layout I got a nasty surprise Saturday morning when two of them went south on me, one of them the Lil Big Hauler Bumble Bee on its first run rammed its cylinder into the tunnel portal and stuck solid, tuned it around, because sometimes something wont go in one direction but it will in the other, but same result, clunk! so off it came then later I tried running my Lil Big Hauler combine goose project, it ran great, for about 3 circuits, then it slowed and then stopped, while the motor was still happily whirring away, dagnabbed drive gear cam loose on the dangified axle. RATS! thats a 10 year old but rarely used NWSL Super Magic Carpet shot. Now I am awaiting a replacement drive mech for the goose, not another Magic Carpet, something decidedly more robust (IOW’s: low tech).
As for the Pizza, since the show I performed an x-acto blade horror show on the Bumble Bee, moving the cylinders inward about 1/8 inch each side, now it fits but there is an annoying click somewhere in the drive rods, I also broke out the Instruments of Violence and took to the sidewalls and tunnel portals of the pizza to widen the openings for not just the Bee but several other “never fit in there” engines. I am now proud to say every small but slightly so large engine that failed the pizza test now fits (if barely) including this monstrosity:
SO now its continued testing of a couple other beasties, but I am glad to see that some of my more interesting bashes are now on the plate for the shows.