Large Scale Central

Political Tags Are Pretty Much Useless


TonyWalsham said:
Ralph I fully understand the concept.

This discussion is about control.
Guns are just the metaphor.

If you come on my property at my invitation, you obey my rules.
Ergo; you are under my control. Period.

No you don’t understand the concept Tony. I’ve explained it using alcohol, smoking, as well as guns. Your reply is the same.
I am free to make my own choices, where ever I am. I am never under your control. If I violate your hospitality, there may be consequences.
Not that I would ever violate your hospitality.

remember we have a saying -

“It is like arguing with a brick wall.”



TonyWalsham said:
Sorright Tim.

Ralph likes to try and twist things when he realises he has lost the debate.
I guess that is better than spitting the dummy and taking his bat, ball and bails, and 'sorfing. :wink:

What is twisted? That we are creatures of our own free will?
You seem to have a need to control someone.
I refuse you the pleasure.

Ralph sees the term ‘control’ as intimidatory and subservient. By saying that ‘you are under my control’, also infers that I am responsible for you and your safety and the safety of others (under my control). When a teacher has ‘control’ of a class does that necessarily imply subservience or could it also mean that he has the class’s interest in what he is discussing and thus is a positive term. Control, by usage seems to always come back to the term ‘gun control’ and the use of the word ‘control’ is usually misinterpreted.

Tony, Tim,

I, and I, alone am responsible for my safety, and for the safety of my loved ones. That is a responsibility that I will cede to no one.

If I decide to accept your hospitality, Tony, knowing your fear of a certain tool, I would exercise control by leaving that tool behind. There are other tools that will do the job. I would still have a lethal weapon with me.

The fact that I have accepted Tony’s hospitality does not mean that I have given up any control, no matter how that word is described.

Or, I could exercise control by refusing Tony’s offer of hospitality.

So, I choose. Not Tony. Ergo, at no time do I cede control to Tony.

so you would turn down the opportunity to dine on a couple of banga-sangas, a few snags, maybe a big T-bone, sink more than a few tubes and enjoy our greatest dessert, the fruit pavlova. Well, I am glad, as that leaves more for us to eat.


I understand you fixation with control. Gives me a little insight as to the business you are in.
You “control” your property, as long as I choose not to challenge your control. You have no control over me. I act of my own free will.
Should my actions at some point deviate from your rules…you may take steps to “correct” this. You may start by asking me to leave. You, at this point, still have no control over me. I choose to abide by your wishes, or not.
Until it reaches the point where you remove me by force…you have no control over me.

Steve Featherkile said:
If I decide to accept your hospitality, Tony, knowing your fear of a certain tool, I would exercise control by leaving that tool behind. There are other tools that will do the job. I would still have a lethal weapon with me.
You are not welcome in my house!

It doesn’t matter what the weapon is. The fact that you feel the need for it is an extreme insult.

Perhaps you are one of the wolves?

This discussion reminds me of the New Hampshire license plate slogan: “Live free or die.”

What a delightful paradox.

You do realize, that in some cases and degrees of expertise, the hands can also considered a deadly weapon… Not to mention a finger or thumb, placed in the right area…

To me, the mind is one of the most deadly weapons… Just look at some of things it makes people do…


Andy Clarke said:
You do realize, that in some cases and degrees of expertise, the hands can also considered a deadly weapon... Not to mention a finger or thumb, placed in the right area...

To me, the mind is one of the most deadly weapons… Just look at some of things it makes people do…


Mahammed Ali would be welcome in my house yet he could easily have killed me with his fists. Tony the Plumber is welcome, yet his pipe wrench could be deadly. It’s a question of intent. Steve said he would deliberately arm himself with a deadly weapon. This implies a perception of the need for it and therefore a willingness to use it. That makes him a threat to my safety. But it is also a gross insult to my hospitality.

Steve’s comments have been designed to stir the pot. He likes to give Tony ammunition to come back with a witty retort. I do not believe that what Steve stated so adamantly, is his true feelings on the matter. Just a little chest thumping to get a reply to his manly challenge.

Kevin Morris said:
Steve Featherkile said:
If I decide to accept your hospitality, Tony, knowing your fear of a certain tool, I would exercise control by leaving that tool behind. There are other tools that will do the job. I would still have a lethal weapon with me.
You are not welcome in my house!

It doesn’t matter what the weapon is. The fact that you feel the need for it is an extreme insult.

Perhaps you are one of the wolves?

Are you suggesting that I leave my brain behind?


with horns like in your avatar, then I would say that you are the ram in the mob. For the uneducated, a group of sheep is called a ‘mob’. Steve is just one of the cute and cuddly woolly ewes that likes to bleat a lot.

Tim Brien said:
Tony, with horns like in your avatar, then I would say that you are the ram in the mob. For the uneducated, a group of sheep is called a 'mob'. Steve is just one of the cute and cuddly woolly ewes that likes to bleat a lot.
Boy, talk about the pot calling the kettle black!