Unfortunately the Good PAdre will not be able to join us at York this year, but he will be with us in Spirit! Therefore plan on carrying on as usual! Might need to consider some things that Fred would normally do that we normally take for granted…would any of the regulars, (or non regulars even) be interested in going in together for a drag and brag room of our own as last year? Was nice to have seats without parking on someone’s sleeping space…Saturday night was a great thing, perhaps we’ll only have it on Sat and just hang in the Bar on Friday night? orr??? Ideas needed! Ric…Jon…Bob…Bruce…Anyone? Anyone?
I don’t see anyone rushing forward to take command. I’m willing to pitch in some cash to help cover a room and would gladly bring a case of beer. Other than that I can’t help much. This year just getting there is going to be tough for me.
FRED - we need you!!! You don’t have to pay the bill, but your talents at convincing the hotel and the beer distributor of the validity of our cause is truly a gift.
I’ll pitch in toward the room and, as usual, Jan will provide some food. Don’t think I take her for granted, I pay dearly throughout the year, for the snacks provided. There is an addition to the “Timesaver” in progress, but that will be in the layout hall and stored in the van at the time of the “drag and brag”. I’ll see if we can get the setup we had last year.
Sure…I’ll contribute my two cents…
OK. Maybe a bit more, assuming we’re talking about Friday night - as that is the only night I’ll be there. So, how much more do I need to contribute to lure Fred?
Well fellers looks like York is not in the Cards for me this year…seems the disposable income is being wiped out by the little woman raking the side of my truck across a parked car’s bumper…natcherly doing more damage to the parked car than the truck…but still deductibles and bumpers on Toyotas being what they are…i guess its try again next year…Have Fun y’all…
Bart Salmons said:Aw, jeez, and I thought WE had started the year in fine style ... :( Hope you get this sorted quickly.
Well fellers looks like York is not in the Cards for me this year......seems the disposable income is being wiped out by the little woman raking the side of my truck across a parked car's bumper....
Now come on , guys , I don’t stand a cat in hell’s chance of getting to your party , but don’t give it up too soon . I like to read the excitement of planning for the trip and all that , you obviously get a heck of a kick out of it .
Come on , plenty can happen between now and the party date -----------------think positive . Don’t spoil it for the rest of us who like to see you enjoying it !!
Mike M
Checked into suites like last year and none available. I suggest we see what we can do that day. Hotels work on the premiss “Heads in Beds”. If they are full, we get nothin. If not full, we get a room at a pooled money rate or we control a section of the bar or lobby. Other choices may come forth. Never fear, a whole lot of beer has been consumed on parking lots standing under a street light. Damn, I hate it when it is snowing or raining though. Unless there is a lot of rum and soft, flakey snow coming in on a warm breeze.
The best parties have always been put together at the last minute. So don’t expect a formal invitation, this will not be a black tie afair.
Ric Golding said:Wot? And there was Fred assuring me that I'd have to iron my tux if I ever wanted to attend.
... this will not be a black tie affair.
Not that I own a tux any more. Used to have one when I was young and slim, but I sort of … expanded beyond its tolerances, let’s say.
I don’t think I’m going to make York this year either but I thought I would add this. The first year at York, there was an after hours gathering that Aristo and LYSOL hosted. It was held in a rather smallish conference or meeting room there at the Holidrome. Perhaps the use of that room if available wouldn’t be that expensive especially if it was not already reserved for something else. Just my 2¢ worth.
Wow… No Fred, no Bart, no Gary… Hrm…
Who IS going besides me and Ric? Sign in please!
Hmm…I wonder if I need to rethink this…
I’ll be there, with new in the box RCS/Sierra converted Diesels with Smart chargers. Up until I moved, I did installs for Don Sweet of RCS of New England and now decided to start my own business. I’ll also have some batteries along.
Well, baring the creek don’t rise to high and the Lord is willing, we will be there with the Timesaver and a new addition at our same location in the alcove. Stop by, we’ll figure something out, and enjoy life no matter who comes or doesn’t come.
Life is made up of adventures, participation is optional.
The Estimate to repair the other car was $509…I had $500 saved for York…Easy come…Easy go…(NOT!)
Sorry to hear that Bart. I was looking forward to an up close look at more of your stuff. VA insurance laws must be different than here in the N.E. - We don’t have a deductible on liability, only on the damage to our own car.
Bob - I still haven’t booked my room, but am planning to go. If I do, Ric and I might do the FEBT display again. Gets us brownie points with the FEBT and the IRS too. Join the FEBT today, bring an EBT model, hang around for a few hours and get yer points!
WV is an ‘Insurance friendly’ state…meaning that the companies can be really unreasonable…thats the reason all the doctors are leaving. Anyways decded to not get the insurance companies involved so they can;t raise my rates cause I filed a claim. Incidentally 90% of the scratch I wiped off my truck with my thumb…the rest a good buffing will get…really don;t look much worse than constat driving on gravel roads would do (BUY DODGE!!! Built like a tank! 4th accident and counting!)…SIGH…have a cold un fer me.,…I’ll be there next year…
I reserved one of the “Executive” rooms with a small couch and a King bed (Similar to North Bay for those that were there). It has a little moor floor space then your standard double room. If we end up in a pinch for a room to gather in I’ll gladly open the door. Marilyn and Matt will probably start yawning by 11, so don’t plan any all-nighters!
Fred is making arrangements to transfer his “suite reservations” to our name and we will carry on with whomever shows. Parties happen when 1 or more people gather in a place for enjoyment instead of work. Rum and other party favors will be available. Some of the best parties, that I can still remember, were on a “tow head” of the Mississippi with a 6 pack and transistor radio. Whether in North Bay or on Frozen and Alder Cay, those damn “misquitoes” have disrupted many a fine event.
To correct a missconception. I hosted that room, I went out on a limb contracted for the room and paid for the food in advance. Then a group of folks helped me pay for it all with donations. We did that the second year as well and I made up any shortfall each year out of my own pockets. This was an unoffical gathering and no one backed it. The first year folks dontated door prizes of which LSOL did donate a locomotive and caboose which really made the door prizes look good. This was done due to the liabilty of hosting something like this where alcohol is served.
There was so much complaing about the fact that we had door prizes that I did not do it again the second year. After all of the complaints the second year, I decided against doing the unoffical thing.
I got tired of getting a raft of shit for trying to do something nice for the folks who were staying in York and also by then I was running the whole show and decided that it looked like the show was doing all of this and elected not to have the liabiltiy.
We also each year had to pay the HI bartender $20.00 an hour to sell their beer, and make up any sales under $300.00 in order to get the rooms we used. This is also one of the reasons we selected another hotel, they wanted paid for everything we did. That was also the year that I had to make 9 long distance phone calls to find out if I had a room and was then told by the Sales Agent “Yes You have a room” in a real nasty tone, that and after they failed to show up for a meeting that they themselves scheduled with us at the fairgrounds on Friday, we decdided to move on to the other hotel.
The other hotels have givien us the space for blocking rooms with them, they also give me rooms which I used for some of the voluenteers that help with the show and a couple of old timers who could not be there otherwise. Every time someone books a room at a hotel other than the one we list, it cuts down on the number of rooms that we had available and this will eventually casue the admission and booth cost to go up.
As it is, the cost of the buildings and equipment used at York for the show comes in at around $24,000.00 for the length of the show. That is another reason I was told to make it pay or shut it down gracefully. Luckly for all of us, I got it to break even the first year in York. Perhaps by the end of this year all the money lost of the first shows will be recouped.