Large Scale Central

Pictures are huge when i post them

I even took the time to shrink them down . This one reads under properties 414 by 304 pixels. But it comes up huge. What am I doing wrong fellas.

The photo you posted is 1712 x 1256 pixels. That’s way too big.

What are you using to re-size them?

I don’t know how you saw the properties, but I saved your picture and opened it in Photoshop and the resolution was 300 DPI and 1712 x 1256 pixels. Try reducing the resolution to 72 DPI. Also, this forum software doesn’t always like spaces in the file name. Try not to use them.

Here is your photo reduced to 72 DPI and cropped to remove all that blacl background. It is 800 px wide.


When I’m in the post reply and click on frieght shed. I go to my photos and right click to see properties. They are small but when i copy the url to the post they become huge. Why is that happening?

You are getting the properties of the thumbnail, not the actual photo.