i started out with “free” (advertisement financed) picture services - and lost pics.
went on with forum-pic-spaces (freightshed type) - and lost pics.
about 20 years ago i rented webspace from a german company named domaindiscount24.com
they also manage the renewals of my domain/website names.
over the years prices went down.
at the moment i am paying about $4 per month for five gigabite of space. (90% of that is still unused by two websites and 20 years worth of pics) apart from pre-anounced annual maintenance breaks of 1 to 3 days, they were down 2 or 3 times for longer than an hour or so in about 20 years.
in the near future they will move the contents to one of the big storage farms called “the cloud” in the US.
for uploading the pics to the webspace i use the free version of http://www.coreftp.com (for setting that up the first time i would recommend the help of any 15 year old gamer. (amish excluded))
the uploading of the pics is not more complicated, than the uploading to the freightshed.
to post a pic you insert the address of the pic into the “insert picture” pop up window of the reply space.
(during the first years i had a strip of paper with the gibberish that starts and finishes the address glued to the frame of the screen)
in short:
if you are able to use a cellphone, you should be able to learn to use webspace too…