Large Scale Central

Picture Problems - something changed?

For the past couple of weeks I have noted that some photos don’t display. The latest is “Mark Twain is Aboard” - see the attached pic for a screen shot.

Then, if you right-click and select “view image” you get the photo but just the photo and no ‘back’ link so you are out of the thread.

Is it something to do with the photo hosting at - here’s the link:

I dunno…

I’ve seen this problem come and go over the last several months. At first I thought it was the https: vs http: thing, but it’s not… it’s like some services block secondhand posting, like flickr and photofuggit have done.

If it does not display here, but you copy the link into your browser and it works, then this site is blocked at the source… or all sites…

Usually this is a way to force you to go to the hosting site, so they get more advertising in and ping you to join/pay.

Free seldom lasts long…


Greg Elmassian said:

I’ve seen this problem come and go over the last several months. At first I thought it was the https: vs http: thing, but it’s not… it’s like some services block secondhand posting, like flickr and photofuggit have done.

If it does not display here, but you copy the link into your browser and it works, then this site is blocked at the source… or all sites…

Usually this is a way to force you to go to the hosting site, so they get more advertising in and ping you to join/pay.

Free seldom lasts long…


I have stumbled across a problem with Edge and the “Freight Sheds” on this site.

To be able to insert an image I have had to resort to using either IE or Firefox as Edge just will not work (see discussion in “Trestle Template” thread.

It works as normal for me too!

I dunno…

No image shows David.

To be able to insert an image I have had to resort to using either IE or Firefox as Edge just will not work

I have not had any problems inserting images using Firefox.

It works as normal for me too!

Well, I can’t see your posted image.

What is really annoying is that, if you use the “view image”, it grabs the thread and does not give you a ‘back’ button, so youy essentially get kicked out of LSC

FBCDN.NET (The domain from Pete’s post) is Facebook’s content delivery network. I can almost guarantee that Facebook gets cranky when links to pictures on their servers are embedded on other sites.

Yep, to underscore that, John Bouck just posted a FB picture on the testing sub-group, and all of his previous pictures from FB are now blank in that same thread.

In the long run, there is still no such thing as a free lunch!


I post photos all the time from Facebook with no problem. Pete, have you been able to see my photos on the feed mill thread?

Craig Townsend said:

I post photos all the time from Facebook with no problem. Pete, have you been able to see my photos on the feed mill thread?

Not a single one.

Craig Townsend said:

I post photos all the time from Facebook with no problem. Pete, have you been able to see my photos on the feed mill thread?


You post them and NOBODY sees them! Marvelous. (

looks like the best option is to place any pictures into a freight shed, then post them fro the freight shed. Only way I have been able to make mine on there. Have not ever tried to link from facebook, although I wish I could move photos from my iPhone to LSC freight shed, but so far I have not figured that out. But I barely understand how I am able to get on here some times. Oh and I am guessing Craig was asking the other Pete, because I have not seen any facebook pictures from your page , Craig.

Pete T, Pete L, and Joe,

No pictures at all huh? Interesting, because I thought I had linked some from flickr. I normally use Flickr, but got lazy and linked photos from Facebook.

Pete L has a FB account (because he is friends with me!) so if he is seeing the photos on my thread it must have something to do with that.

I will say on this thread I only see one picture. Guess I will go back to Flickr and quit being lazy…

Craig Townsend said:

Pete T, Pete L, and Joe,

No pictures at all huh? Interesting, because I thought I had linked some from flickr. I normally use Flickr, but got lazy and linked photos from Facebook.

Pete L has a FB account (because he is friends with me!) so if he is seeing the photos on my thread it must have something to do with that.

I will say on this thread I only see one picture. Guess I will go back to Flickr and quit being lazy…

Interesting as I see them ?

Perhaps they meant they didn’t see them because they are focused on other things and didn’t see the thread ?

No bias as I’m a Rooster but I can see the pics and followed/enjoyed the thread to the last page so far.

I’m thinking it has something to with a Facebook account? I’m going to try opening it in a private tab… No Facebook cookies.

It must be FB. Now I am seeing ALL your pictures. Is FB screwing with us?

It almost seems that there is a “timer” on files linked from FB.

Yes, those pics are from my FB album.

As far as older posts of mine, I cleaned up my freight sheds and albums.

Pete L has a FB account (because he is friends with me!) so if he is seeing the photos on my thread it must have something to do with that.

I have an FB account but I ain’t gonna ‘friend’ all of you just to see your photos.

Perhaps they meant they didn’t see them because they are focused on other things and didn’t see the thread ?

Rooster - I have no idea what that means. When Craig asked if I had seen it, I went to it and looked (again) and I still can’t see any photos.

Only way I have been able to make mine on there. Have not ever tried to link from facebook, although I wish I could move photos from my iPhone to LSC freight shed
FB does make it ridiculously easy to post photos.  GScaleCentral in the UK has a "drag-and-drop" option which is very convenient (not sure if it works on a phone!)
LSC's Freight Shed upload is very cumbersome in comparison.