Doug, Stu, and I set out for the ECLSTS early Thursday morning and ran into a lake effect snowstorm between Watertown and Syracuse that closed Interstate 81 behind us. We crawled along at 30 MPH for about half an hour.
In the late afternoon we arrived at Ken Brunt’s to see his railway and enjoyed supper with him.
Back at the Holiday Inn the bar was packed with show attendees and vendors. A lot of us stayed until after last call.
The next day we walked into the show at about 10 AM. The large yellow Nicholas Smith bags were rolling out the doors in great numbers. There was a lot to see as usual, and it took me all morning to make my first pass through the show. The crowd was better than last year, and so were the bargains. Charles Ro was in great spirits when he stopped to talk to Ray in the Bachmann booth on Friday afternoon, so I assume sales were good for him as well.
While talking to Ray he showed us the inner workings of the C-19 he had working on rollers there. The tender had a plug-in Tsunami sound board in it. I am not sure I understood all that was said, but I think the sound board plugged into a factory installed DCC decoder. Ray was able to trigger the sound functions with a Bachmann push button base station. If anyone is more familiar with this perhaps they can verify what I have said. I would also like to know if the Super Socket used in previously made Spectrum locomotives for the Revolution receiver and QSI decoder with sound is under the decoder.
Although we had nothing on our wish list, we came home with almost $2,000 worth of train stuff after one day at the show. Some of our items were purchased from the LSC for Sale Section prior to the show and shipped to Ogdensburg so we could pick them up when we stopped for dinner Saturday evening at the Freight House Restaurant on our way home. It was a challenge getting everything in the SRX.
From LSC Member John in Denver:
6, USA Trains Ultimate Series 55 foot tank cars $320
1, USA Trains Ultimate Series 55 foot 4-bay hopper $60
From LSC Member Chuck in Idaho:
4, new in the box, Aristo-Craft 2-bay coal hoppers $32.50 each
3, new in the box, Aristo-Craft 2-door boxcars $32.50 each
1, new in the box, Aristo-Craft tank car $32.50
1, used Aristo-Craft tank car $32.50
1, used Aristo-Craft caboose $32.50
From LSC Member Jon Radder at the Drag and Brag:
1, new Aristo-Craft RDC-1 $100
From LSC Member Bruce Chandler at the Drag and Brag:
1, Rousseau hotel flat with finely detailed fire escape
At the show:
1, new LGB brown crocodile $349
1, new USA Trains vintage GP-9 $149
1, new USA Trains vintage show car $50
1, new Aristo-Craft aluminum dining car $125
1, new excellent quality lighted magnifier $60
1, very large box of new tie strips $300
About $100 worth of small tools, metal wheel sets, live steam butane valve, etc.
I only have two pictures. They were taken in the alcove when we stopped for a rest around lunch time.
Bob McCown in beige, Doug Matheson with his back to us, Doc Watson across from Doug, and Bill Seabrooke on the far right. I did meet the gentleman in the corner, but cannot remember his name.
Jan Golding standing, someone sitting next to her that I did not meet, Jon Radder and Ric Golding sitting behind Jan, and Andy Clarke holding one of the ever popular Nicholas Smith bags.
After they show we had a steak dinner in the hotel bar and were joined by Bob McCown, Stan Cedarleaf, Jean and Bruce Chandler. Then it was on to the Drag and Brag. There were at least twice as many people as last year. I think everyone was so busy admiring the displayed models and talking, that no pictures were taken. My voice is still a little hoarse from talking over the crowd noise.
The only down side to the trip, I gained five pounds in three days.