Large Scale Central

Pic test using freight shed[1].JPG

try 2

Try 3 with a different method of accessing the freight shed[1].JPG

I can see the pic mechanism does not allow “[1]”

Now to figure out how to upload without the “[1]”

I’ll probably have to go back to the original file folder location in my computer:-(

Even that did not work-somehow the [1] thing shows up again.

I’ll just try posting directly with tags

https: //

removing the space

got me a link to the pic.

Now with the [im g] stuff



Didn’t work because google put in a minus sign the forum code doesn’t like:-(

I’ll try uploading directly from computer folder


Works for me with img tags

Thanks, Joe.

I’ll have to try again.

Let’s see what happens with a Picasa embed code

From ECLSTS 2010

The above is using the default “thumbnail” size

below is an 800 pix


Test of Google+ automatic slideshow embed code:

View all
Get your own

I’ve quit trying, life is too short. Usually I’m a cheerful sort of fellow, but all this difficulty posting pix here anymore really got to me. Do please let me know if you ever discover a method of posting pix here again that works consistently. Thanks!


Never have had a problem, once I learned the procedure. Picture needs to be in the LSC Freight Shed. Call up the picture, copy from URL at top of screen, while picture is on the screen. Paste that URL in Forum comments, where you are making a comment.

Don’t use the quick reply. Use the Post Reply in the bottom right.

Choose the Freight Shed button. Click ONCE on your picture. Close the Freight Shed. It will put the link to the picture in the reply.


Don’t forget to hit enter after the link to get a new line. You can hit Preview to see the reply before it is posted.

Golly Gee, that worked! Thanks fellas…

John Welcome back to the visual world…

is smiling again

What is going on with picture posting . . .

It looks OK to me Pete.

I’ve been trying to post something with pictures but it doesn’t seem to be working. When I last posted, several weeks ago, all I had to do is click on the image in my freightshed and it would appear in my post. Now when I click on the image all I get in my final post is the url for the image and not the picture even though the picture shows up fine in the preview.


Interesting, what browser and version?


I’m using Internet Explorer 8.


Here’s what I get when I try to post a picture. Brewery-1.jpg Printer.JPG

It isn’t including the last characters of the image now. I just posted the 3D Printer image on Monday and it worked just fine.


Don - It’s the spaces in the file name. Try renaming the picture without spaces and it should work fine.


Thanks for all the help and suggestions. I finally figured it out by trial and error. It seems when I attempted to fix the file names the changes wouldn’t take. So I made a guess and hit the compatibility button and VIOLA it worked.

Thanks again.


Bob McCown said:
Interesting, what browser and version?

Aha. I was almost certainly using IE 10. I will try it again with Firefox.

[Rant] I am sick-up-to-here with stupid browser issues. OK, IE sucks, but it is still 30%+ o the market, so why do software developers try to be purists and make things that don’t work with it?

  • Case 1: my local boat club’s new website photo gallery doesn’t display properly. Oh - it’s an IE 10 problem, and if they made it work then the other fancy features wouldn’t work. Huh? Make it work you morons and forget the ‘fancy’ stuff.
  • Case 2: my WiFi router died over the summer, so I buy a new one. It has a built-in config wizard and tells you what to expect when you start it up. Doesn’t happen - wrong screen comes up in my browser and hangs. I have to call Tech Support (for a $29 router install !!!) After 25 minutes, first question: “which browser are you using”. Yep - their config doesn’t work with IE 10. Any profit they made on that $29 sale went straight out the window with my support call. What idiots.

Ah, I feel better now. Bob - sorry if the rant included you. I do know how difficult software development can be (that’s why I gave it up in 1979.)