Let’s see if it has to do with Quick Reply. NOPE! STILL DON’T WORK!
Garage sign on wall
Let’s see if it has to do with Quick Reply. NOPE! STILL DON’T WORK!
Garage sign on wall
It appears to me that you are choosing to “Copy Image” instead of “Copy Image Location”. I can see your picture when I quote you, but it does not appear when I post it.
I think it’s strange…a bug, even.
But, to fix it, choose “Copy Image Location”.
All the ones I have tried to post from my old Flickr account, I copy the URL, so I am copying the location, and just the URL shows up until someone responds.
If I do the bracket img and slash trick, I get a red x in a box and nothing else.
Very strange.
Bruce, as I said after I hijacked your post, my right click menu shows neither “Copy Image,” nor “Copy Image Location.” Just plain ol’ “Copy.” And after that, “Paste.”
Some time ago when I posted a photo, after I clicked Copy, I got a messaage that said something like “Image has been moved to your Something or Other.” I get no such message now, which makes me wonder if my Freight Sheds coding is messed up. And yet, Bart Salmons was able to re-post my pix on your thread.
Ta, Dah! Finally figured it out. Ya gotta right click, “Copy shortcut,” instead of “Copy.” That gives me the whole URL thingy, which shows up as a photo in the actual post. Whew!