Large Scale Central

Photo and Video Inserting

Video Embedding

This topic has to be re-mastered every time the site owner makes an upgrade to the software. For this incarnation the procedure is…

  1. Grab the embed code from the YouTube video (directly on the video) right click in OPERA (copy embed code); right click in FireFox (Copy embed code); right click in Chrome (get embed code);right click in IE (get embed code).

  2. In the reply window click on “insert/edit video” button in the top row (looks like a movie frame), and select “Embed”.

  3. Paste the embed code (copied from YouTube) in the box and click “OK”.

That’s what we all found works now. Some day down the road we will have to find a new way for new software, but for now this works. Have fun!

Photo inserting

  1. Start by uploading your photos to a server. You have storage space in the Freight Shed on this web site.
  2. After they are uploaded, click on the file you want to open.
  3. Once it is opened, RIGHT click on the picture and select copy image location. DO NOT use the url in the address bar of your browser.
  4. Next click on the insert photo button in your post and paste the image location in the source line.
  5. Look at the dimensions. You will see them if you click on the first box (height). Make it 800 then click on the second box and it will automatically be correctly scaled.
  6. Then hit OK and your photo will be in your post.

Joe, Do you have Safari verbiage? That’s what Ray has…

Photo inserting works pretty much the same as any other browser, but I am working on a Windows PC and my version of Safari hasn’t been supported since 2012. It cannot support YouTube videos. Probably a newer version on a Mac can, but I have no way to test it. Sorry

  • I posted this picture from my PC using Safari 5.1.7

John Caughey said:

Joe, Do you have Safari verbiage? That’s what Ray has…

Ray who???(

Ray Dunakin, I tried to help him the other day but hit that wall.

Thanks for trying.

To copy the embed code a more generic way is to replace Joe’s step 1 (first post in this thread) with:

  1. When watching the video, you can see a place to click “share”… after that “embed”… that will pull up a window and show the “code” and in the bottom right corner “copy”, click that.

Now that should be generic instructions for ALL browsers…

now follow Joe’s steps 2 and 3… (although how to paste is different, usually right click in Windows, I forget for Mac’s probably control click)


That’s the idea!

When I do that , it has the “S” when I post , and to me it looks good ( on this computer )

Then I get someone pointing out it’s not right .

I go to edit and hit the video ( turns dark )

I the hit the video emblem in the tool bar and up comes the url … where did the “S” go…

I type in the “S” and I think it’s good as no negative feed back .

Why does this happen ?

Sean, maybe it’s you. What side are you on, your browser. Since you see what we don’t I suspect you can’t post to the safe side from the unsecured side.


I want to put on my grave stone " It’s all Sean’s fault ! "

some times I’m on the “S” ( Secured ) other times not… frustrating…

Sean said:


I want to put on my grave stone " It’s all Sean’s fault ! "

some times I’m on the “S” ( Secured ) other times not… frustrating…

Well, how cool is that? Somebody else takes the blame? All along, I thought it was all my fault. (

Sean said:


I want to put on my grave stone " It’s all Sean’s fault ! "

some times I’m on the “S” ( Secured ) other times not… frustrating…

Back when the ‘change’ happened, I had to delete my old bookmark and save the new.

I have a saved link to a thread on the old, should I want to sneak in there.

Sean use this:

I just noticed that old bookmark as well .


Every time I try to load a picture from my phone i get a “we’re having technical issues” notice along with this:

Error code:15e74c

Android phone system

why not get them from the phone to the pc, and post from the pc?

I’ve had mixed results posting directly from my iPhone. I generally offload them to a secondary host and then post them here.

The only PC i have is a home laptop I’ve been having problems with, so I was hoping to do it directly from phone. Pain anyway you look at it as i still have to resize any phone pics before going into the album as the smallest size image I still like a million pixels.

Vic Smith said:

…a million pixels.

It still astonishes me that we sent men to the moon and safely returned them to earth with a 2K computer on board the space ship.

John, yea, well that was in the days before bloatware, GUI interfaces, sound effects, 3D effects and all the other fluff we don’t really need, but the programmers think is just too cool to not have.

I was talking with the Xerox help desk, and the help desk guy posed the idea that if we could get Windows 98 to run on the latest hardware, it would probably be so freaking fast that it would just boggle our minds.

David Maynard said:

John, yea, well that was in the days before bloatware, GUI interfaces, sound effects, 3D effects and all the other fluff we don’t really need, but the programmers think is just too cool to not have.

I was talking with the Xerox help desk, and the help desk guy posed the idea that if we could get Windows 98 to run on the latest hardware, it would probably be so freaking fast that it would just boggle our minds.

Which now has me wondering whether the compulsion for bloatware has any effect of driving hardware developers toward more speed.
Which then encourages the bloatware developers …