Large Scale Central

Parts needed: Bachmann Wood-sided Box Car

Hi all!

I am starting a simple box car project. But, I broke several of the grab rails when trying to remove them for painting. Does anyone have ideas for fabricating these myself or places I could get them besides Bachmann? Part of the reason for this is that they are currently out of stock on the grab rails. The other, is that the brake line feels very expensive for the small piece of plastic that it is. Also, they have the 1" grab rail on their parts list, but not the 3/4", which I also need.

These are the parts I need…
1" Grab Rails
Brake Wheel

Thanks in advance!

Update: I found the brake wheel! So, I just need the two sizes of grab rails.

It might be time to try bending your own
Find some wire/brass rod about the same size and some pliers :thinking:

I’m thinking about that, too, Sean. It’d have to be pretty thick wire through. The holes from these factory grab rails are wide.

Take a piece to some were they might cell brass etc. check out a wire coat hanger they might be different sizes so check with what you have

If USA and LGB’s are the same as Bachmann’s, I get mine here:

Unfortunately, Bachmann’s are much thicker than USA. Thanks though, John! Though, you may have given me an idea…

make your own.
use single strand (solid) household electrical wire.
use its own isolation to cover the holes.





Perhaps fill the hole first with epoxy putty, retap the hole, and use a homemade handle of brass of your preferred diameter?


Hello John. I have bent many grab rails and stirrup steps for projects. If you live in the states, go to a Ace hardware store, They hay many different size of brass rod…

I have made a few different sizes I needed.
I found it was best to make some kind of bending fixture so they all came out the same.


The grabs on these two board gons were made from brass rod with craft beads for the shoulders. Perhaps not as elegant as Korm’s suggestion, but worth a try if you decide to fill the holes and have another go.

Regards, David Meashey

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Jon (@JRad ) Radder made a thread about making a simple wooden form/jig for bending grab rails.

I made one and a drilling jig to locate the holes on the car, but it is lost in my shop somewhere. :grinning:

Unless your memory is better than mine, it wasn’t me. Bruce Chandler, perhaps.

Yes, probably. As his website is still intact [thank you Bruce] I found his rolling stock page.

Here is Bruce’s bending jig.

I used little brass washers as the mounting grommets on my grabs.

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Bruce made a jig I copied it had two holes drilled in the sides at set distances for the corner. You could stick your wire in the hole and bend it flat to the side then bend again at the corner. The surface had slots pre spaced so you could set your flat stock in the grove and bend your strap step. Also had a spot on the flat surface where you could put the formed U of flat stock into the slots then simply twist the two protruding ends to finish the steps for mounting. both grabs and strap steps came out at consistent sizes. Great little jig.

That’s probably the one Pete was thinking of. I made a similar one for strap steps based on Bruce’s design.