Large Scale Central

Parts and Supplies List

This thread has been set up to compile a list of places where we can go for parts. As the hobby turns more and more from brick and mortar stores and instead is relying on online suppliers, it is time to develop a list of all those places we all use to get the stuff we need to keep our hobby on the rails. To keep the thread clean and searchable lets avoid commenting just randomly, giving reviews or critiques, etc. Lets keep it as simple as “these are where I get my stuff from” posts with URLs.

So things like miniature hardware, detail parts, paint, replacement parts, R/C stuff, batteries, track, etc.

A few of where I get things.


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Detail Parts:

Precision Scale Company




Bachmann parts store

San Juan Details (grandtline)

Miniatures By Eric

For those who have access to 3D printing:


Miniature Hardware:

Model Motorcars

Micro fasteners

McMaster Carr

Lighthouse LED Jim mentioned LEDs and I love lighthouse LED. They have everything including the little itty bitty micro LEDs.

All sorts of train stuff like details, parts, hardware, tools:



A couple of other useful stores:

Evan’s Designs for LEDs: [link]

Harbor Models for odds and ends (mostly ship building stuff but they have nice pulleys for example): [link]

Available at most online retailers (and even one of the remaining brick and mortar hobby shops in my area) - Darice ‘Timeless Minis’

link for Walmart just because.

‘Scale’ of these items varies wildly. Generally, the food/cookware is ‘close enough’ (probably tending towards the 1:20 end of the spectrum). The clocks are about the right size, and the books (some of these are *actual books with pages and everything, are good enough for atlases, shop manuals, and encyclopedia sized tomes. Tools tend to be a bit large, but maybe usable. Furniture, fishing pole, bunch of other stuff…way to big.

I should also note the prices for these things have doubled or tripled since I last bought any (got drawers full of timeless minis)

I want to add to this list. And say thank you to Craig Townsend.

He turned me onto the idea of buying styrene sheet from local plastic suppliers who supply sign shops. In my area it’s Laird Plastics. Instead of a single small sheet for 30+ dollars at the hobby shop, I picked up a 48 x 96 sheet of 1/16th inch thick white styrene for 35 dollars. They have all the normal sizes we are used to from places like Evergreen but in much larger sheets for considerably less money per Sq foot.

They also carry sheets of ABS.

Craig said he started buying it this way and now he cuts his strip stock from it also.

Various electronic mpu boards and modules:

Electronic parts:

PCB boards:

Mechanical parts:

Train parts:

3d models:


3d printer Info:


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Don’t forget;
GLX Scale Models Inc.

And…if you can’t locate something, and need help; simply drop into the LSC Chat room, any evening, after 20:00 ECT and ask for ideas…
OR…post a request on this thread.
Fred Mills