Well , I have been using brake fluid for some time now , and it tastes quite good , as a good paint stripper should .
I have never seen it attack plastic ; I have stripped LGB bodies clean in a very short time using a toothbrush dipped in the fluid and rubbed on . I also use it on plastic kits , it has never done one iota of damage . Used carefully , it will remove lettering without touching the underlying paint .
If it’s so good at melting plastic , how do they keep it in plastic bottles ? Yes , OK , it’s a different plastic .
You don’t need to slosh a bathfull of the stuff and chuck the item in to soak , it’s a case of gently using it , and washing it off with warm soapy water . I suppose if you left it overnight to soak you may finish up with a puddle of plastic , but I have yet to try that .
If anyone should wish to try it , the usual rules apply , try a little on a bit of cloth , gently rub , preferably
where potential damage will not be seen , and keep it away from your eyes .