Today, Saturday October 17th, the OVGRS operating group, had a very successful Standard Gauge operating day.
It has been a great year, with 23 Saturday morning operations since the 24th of May. This was our last one for this year.
With an average of 15-20 people showing up to OPERATE, every Saturday morning, it indicates that LS model railroading is not dying around here, as long as OPERATIONS are involved. Visitors and new friends were seen each Saturday. No membership fees, or charges were involved…everyone just contributed, each in his/her own way. No politics, or religion interfered with our fun and fellowship.
We closed the day with snow flakes drifting down at times; pine needles having to be raked; hot chilly being served, and everyone in great spirits, and looking forward to 2016, for another NEW YEAR of operations.
YES…it looks like we are probably going to see another “Invasion” next year, as there are still a few people that have never attended, and keep putting it off…don’t wait too long…I’m getting too old for this fun and stupidity…!!!
Here’s hoping to meet the gang again at the ECLSTS…I’m booking a room at the same old place…the “Holidome”, or whatever the new name is; early next week…
…and am looking forward to another oyster feed at the Station Restaurant in Northumberland, the evening of Thursday, before the show.
Fred Mills