Here are some pictures from the new Overland Park Arboretum Train Garden, in Overland Park,Kansas.
I haven’t edited them in any order.
Nice. Love all the bridges…
I’d say the natural order of things worked out well and didn’t require any editing
Bob’s right, that’s a lot of nice bridges.
Pretty neat where the train runs through the walkway
Thanks for taking the time to get some pictures posted.
Overland Park Ks is a suburb of Kansas City and the railroad was built by volunteers of the Kansas City Garden RR Club
This is phase 1 of 4 and will eventually have up to 9 loops when we get to phase 4. The budget for just the railroad is just under $100,000. These 3 loops are the small ones. The plan will be in phase 3 and 4 to have a model of downtown Overland Park in about 1900 to about 1910. The area that we have for that will be about the size of a football field (any way that what they are telling us).
All the bridges but one came from Eaglewings and the other came from Mainline Bridges. The oridgnal plan for this phase was to be half again as big but someone messed up before we were called, that the site was ready for us. We already had the bridges ordered and we had the modify the big bridge with some wedges where it bolted together to make it fit where we had it planed. That is why it has a curve in it. We used concrete roadbed for the bottom two loops with stainless steel track through out. It all track power with onboard Aristo Rev with Phoenix Sound in the locomotives (one of my jobs is doing the installs). The top tier track just started with the large tall trestle and evolved from there.
Most of the railroad was built by 4 of us and on some days as many as 12 showed up to help. It took us about 4 weeks to build it working usually only 4 days a week whether permitting. The day we poured the roadbed, we had a few city employes and arboretum staff help us as we brought the concrete in on a ready-mix truck. The Arboretum did all the planting.
The Arboretum is open 364 days a year (closed Christmas Day) and will have the trains running as long as they have volunteers to staff it.
Very nice layout. I like how it goes through the walkway with the clear top, great idea.
Beautifly done. Nice work.