Lots of ‘government in action’ in the news in California. Three examples:
California became the first state to ban trans fats in food sold in restaurants. Story at: http://health.usnews.com/articles/health/2008/07/28/health-buzz-california-trans-fats-ban-and-other-health-news.html
The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to place a moratorium on new fast food restaurants in an impoverished swath of the city. Story at:
http://www.latimes.com/features/health/medicine/la-me-fastfood23-2008jul23,0,7844930.story -
San Francisco lawmakers voted Tuesday to make the city the first in the nation to ban the sale of tobacco products at most pharmacies. Story at:
I personally find these actions taken under the color of ‘government’ to be outrageous. I’ve been raised to believe in strict limits on government meddling in people’s personal lives, and the premise that we all have a wide freedom of choice in what, when, where and how we live our lives. Doubly so when it comes to what I eat or otherwise ingest!
Where does the U.S. Constitution give these state and local governments the right to control what and where we eat?
I note that in every one of these cases, the ‘greens’ and / or the ‘environmentalists’ are cited as being the driving force behind these new laws. An L.A. City Councilman actually said that someone had to take action because the district where the fast food ban is now in effect had the “highest incidence of obesity in all of L.A.” Following that logic, they need to ban liquor stores in Hollywood to cut down on the drunken media wannabes.
Another laughable sidelight is that Subway is exempt from the ban, as they serve “healthy” food. I saw a news segment where a nutritionist told that the most popular item at Subway is the meatball sandwich, which has more fat and calories than a Big Mac. I assume the L.A. City Council members making the decisions got their information from the TV ads for Subway. Maybe they will need to follow up with a law that controls what is on the menu, or what we can order from the ‘healthy’ restaurants.
An interview with a working man eating a hamburger at a fast food joint in the L.A. area where it is now banned said he worked hard, and ate where he could afford to in order to keep working. What is this guy going to do when he can only eat at a much more expensive permitted ‘healthy’ establishment?
BTW, I don’t smoke and am firmly against folks smoking in my environment. On average, I hit a ‘fast food’ joint two or three times a year. But I am totally able to make these choices for myself, and firmly believe in my fellow Americans being able to make these choices.
I am just fed up with the left wing nanny mentality and even more so with the local politicos who follow this kind of crap like sheep.
Back to model RRing before it’s banned!
Happy RRing,