Today we were running #12 on the overhead loop in the livingroom. I warned Kim when we built the track that it was ‘a little close’ to the front door and to pay attention if the train was running…
So I went to let the dog out and… you guessed it… One kitbashed Mogul right on the top of the head. - then onto the chair - and a perfect splashdown into the dog’s water dish.
One large goose egg…One soggy loco with a mashed pilot ---- egg on my face cause I warned her and I’m the one that forgot… One idiot dog bouncing everyplace thinking it’s a neat new game… and Kim trying to decide whether to laugh hysterically or be concerned…
And it’s the 3rd time since we got it as a 10 wheeler that this locomotive has taken a swan dive. I’m going to have to start keeping the crazy suicidal thing in a low cupboard or something!