Large Scale Central the end

Clean up day… :frowning: Was greeted with this…

…and with some faithful volunteers (i.e. sons),the clearance started…

…as usual,Dad retreated to the centre of operations to point out which bits we’d missed…

A lot of track to clear :frowning:

It t’was soon up and running…

…and we left it like this :slight_smile:

Last tram homebound for the depot…

Wow, Troy, what happened?

You guys did an amazing amount of work. BZ. Well done.

Looks as if a 1:22.5 sized tornado came through.

Whose layout?

My dads layout.
Foxes do the most damage!

WOW! I’m impressed. Very nice layout.

Troy said:
My dads layout. Foxes do the most damage!
Time to renew the hunt. Red riding togs, fast horses and fox hounds! :) :) Oh, and a bugler. "Tally Ho"

That is so great to see the railroad made right and up and running. Even more heartwarming is the response of family members to help and to make things right. You are all most fortunate to have a loving family like that and my hat’s off to you.

Congratulations! Nice looking RR too by the way. :slight_smile: