Invitation for NGRC2016 attendees to operate Mystic Mountain RR
I’m hosting an operating session on Sunday, July 10th (the Encore Tour Day) of the National Garden Railway Convention in the Bay Area this July on my Mystic Mountain RR from 9AM - noon. My motivation is to allow visitors coming to the NGRC the opportunity to run on my RR, which might be otherwise impractical. If you are coming and are interested, send me an e-mail.
The MMRR can support 8-10 operators using two-person crews. I have created a number of trains and routes and will choose some depending on how many people we have, so I need to know if you are “in” or “out” by May 30th, so I can make up the trains and switch lists, and stage the layout accordingly. I’ll supply more info. to the crews a few weeks before. Even if you are not interested in operating, you are welcome to come and watch.
Ray Turner
Mystic Mountain Railroad