As part of Train Ops 2011, Stan Ames invited the LSC crew up to his huge outdoor railroad outside Chelmsford MA. Because I needed to leave early I decided to railfan the SJR&P rather than be part of a crew operating trains. This proved to be a great decision because I had a blast taking pictures on this extremely scenic railroad. Before lunch, members of Stan’s group performed some light engine moves to get all the power into position…
This gave me a chance to climb around the railroad and get a few scenic shots without operators in the pictures…
Bob strikes a familiar pose with Bruce and Ken…
These large curves are part of Stan’s recent expansion…
There is and endless variety of bridges on Stan’s railroad…
Ken, Bruce and Stan out in the layout…
Finally, operations are underway. The Big Rock Local crewed by Bob and Ken has departed Cedar Deck…
… And heads up the mountain…
And they arrive at Big Rock…
Meanwhile, Bruce and Jean have completed assembling their train while Stan looks on…
Bruce & Jean’s train is underway…
Meanwhile, Ken and Bob are en route to their next town…
Bruce & Jean in the woods…
Bob’s wife Martha admiring the gardens…
Bruce & Jean’s train continues to climb…
Marilyn and the other wives enjoy the sunshine on the deck…
Meanwhile, a meet of three trains has the yard master hopping…
The third train arrives in the yard…
The congestion cleared, Bob and Ken’s train crosses the pond on the viaduct…
…As Bruce and Jean’s train crosses the trestle…
Everyone had a great time. Thank you Stan