Any of you guys that might be in the central Arkansas area this weekend are welcome to come by my house. We’ll be having hot dogs, snacks, and such, and running trains.
Bernie Alsbrook
A little too far for me, but hot dogs, snacks and trains sounds like a great plan.
Fine looking RR.
Hope you had a great open house.
You guys that are doing all these open house thingys, should come and join our virtual web train tour channel get your own LIVE channel with us (there are 7 of us now) we are so to speak “LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN LOL or Layouts” to feature on our channels or yours. Then when you do a gathering or an open house or whatever you can show it off to the world via the internet and your own private channel with us. COME ON BOARD and we all will help you get yours going. The REGAL
Thanks Ralph, open house went ok for the weather we had.
Jerry I drop in over there all the time, I just don’t post a lot…
Bernie where are you dropping in at ??? my site or other??? The Regal
Beautiful place. Looks like you had a nice time.
Bernie Alsbrook said:
Ah, a familiar face, the short-timer from UP…