Large Scale Central

Open House and Train Meet of the WGRS/HVLSRRClub

Just a quick note to let everyone on the forum know that I will be hosting an open house and train meet of the Westchester Garden Railway Society/ Hudson Valley Large Scale Railroad Club at my home, starting at 2pm till whenever.

I have two mainlines, a branchline, and will be unveiling some new structures including the baseball stadium which will be dedicated that day.

Refreshments will be served and the pool will be available.

For directions, the club’s e-mail address is [email protected].

Hope to see you.

Pat McCarty CEO
Roisin & Owen Railroad

and stockholder SUNY/Purchase

GEE, I must be getting old. I forgot to mention the date. It will be on Saturday August 11, 2012

Hi Pat - You are less than an hour from me. I might be able to make it up your way depending on what is going on that weekend.


You’re always welcome.

Rain in the forecast, so we’re going with scheduled rain date, Sunday, August 12, same starting time, 2 pm. till whenever.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
