Large Scale Central

OOOps . . . .

I have never driven a semi; we have one guy model RR club who did and one who does, will have to ask them if that driver had enough time to abort that move and stop the truck before getting across tracks. It sure looks to me like they had enough time to abort.

He was in the middle of a right hand turn at the time. The truck had to swing wide to the left in order to make the right turn. Unfortunately he got held up by the car on the street he was turning into that was in his way, and they had to back up so he could get by. That’s happened to me many times.

Ken Brunt said:

He was in the middle of a right hand turn at the time. The truck had to swing wide to the left in order to make the right turn. Unfortunately he got held up by the car on the street he was turning into that was in his way, and they had to back up so he could get by. That’s happened to me many times.

What has happened to you many times? Held up by a car making a wide right turn? or had your trailer blown apart by a train? (

From my perspective, the gates were already in the process of dropping before the driver began to more. The warning lights were already flashing at the very beginning of the video, before the driver started to move. Yes, he could have made it if the car on the other side was not there, but that is not how this played out. IMHO, driver error plain and simple.

Driver screwed up, he should have been able to hear the bells , and backed up or just got across the intersection before the train came through, I would have. Thought the driver would have seen it an made a path somewhere, straight or left hand turn, get off the tracks and figure it out afterwards. Talking from 44 years experience I have had to change my direction at corners before , or not turn, go straight and figure it out after because Imid something blocking the way or tracks to steep to get over safely. Stopped on side of freeway once because the sign said I was too tall to fit under bridge, a cop came and showed me around the overpass.