Large Scale Central

Ontario Calif - Big Train Show

Went to the Big Train Show at 10am Saturday morning. The exhibitors truly reflected the state of the economy, since half of the building was modular layouts and now that the show has gone all-scale, that was reflected by what was being sold.

From the used tables I picked up a couple of cars, and metal wheels.

Upland Trains was selling their resin building for $20, so I had to have one! Of course Al Kramer was selling USA Trains at great prices, so I bought my first double stack car for $95 out the door, which I just couldn’t pass up.

I have heard through the grapevine that the SWGRS at the Pomona fairgrounds is not going to happen this fall, which is a bummer.

However, it was great to see some old faces at the show.

Like John mentioned, the BTS reflected the poor economy. Talked to Phil at Phil’s Narrow Gauge and he said many vendors he talked to during the set-up yesterday, thought the show may have two years more at best! Not a good sign.

I did buy another T5000 from Jonathan at EMW and about $1600 in rail and turnouts for my new layout from Pete at Sunset Valley RR.

While the room was crowded what struck me was how down the number of vendors has shrunk from years past. I estimate the vendor count was down about 20 to 25% less from past shows including some regulars like John Schneiders Just Plain Folks booth. As it was I didn’t find alot to pick up but then I didnt really need much.

I was really hoping someone had BB wheelsets, no one brought any. But I did get one of those Upland Trains resin buildings to feed my hacksaw. I could have spent more but there wasn’t anything “Must Have” for me.

I thought John made the right move pricing those at twenty dollars, since they moved like hotcakes. When I was leaving I saw them bringing more into the building. He told me the boxes were water damaged from a significant roof leak earlier this year. I brought mine home and tossed it on the dirt until I can figure out what to do with it. (Damn, I should have got two!)

I went to John’s website to see what building was being referred to. Follow the link to John’s site to see what others have done to these very inexpensive buildings.

Tim Brien said:
I went to John's website to see what building was being referred to. Follow the link to John's site to see what others have done to these very inexpensive buildings.
They look like tremendous value ... Pity there was nothing like that in the Welsh slate valleys :(

$20 for a decent size building like that was a screaming deal no matter which way you looked at it. I’ll end up with 3 or 4 building flats after cutting them up. Thats $5 or $8 each? Can’t scratchbuild that cheaply :wink:

I like the signs on those modified models. :wink: :smiley:

I stand corrected, according to the folks at the Fairplex railroad, the SWGRS at the Pomona fairgrounds is back on for this fall! I also planted a bug in their ear about holding an old fashion model train swap meet, which seemed to be taken quite favorably.