Large Scale Central

One of my favorite bashes to come out of the Borracho Locomotive Works

A while ago a photo was posted of an extremely usual and very interesting critter. I immediately thought it looked like the Hartland MOW interurban. By good luck and a low bid I got one and immediately started thinking about how to bash it into the critter in the picture. The Yorke kits have me a lot of confidence in scratching together anything I might need to fabricate like the motor block. So here it is. In all senses it’s the Galloping Goose for my line.

The prototype

The build

I think it came out rather nicely :grinning:


Indeed it did come out nicely :+1:

That looks Great and even better than the prototype. It’s the Galloping Angry Beaver :grin:

That would have been a nice Mik build.

Yeah I was expecting some sort of build around an object challenge this year so I opted to do the bash. That’s okay, the Casey Jones railbus has been on my bucket list for a very long time, so I’m going to do it whether it takes more than 30 days or $35.:wink: