Large Scale Central

One just has to love it

… being full of it is one thing but this wins the prize of the year hands down for being way, way, way over the top. :lol: :lol:

But OTOH we all know where that one comes from, :lol: :lol:

Small wonder his “reliable sources” just never panned out.

I look at it this way HJ, if a group wants to do nothing but talk within thier circle and have a place that I do not have to be subjected to it, then by all means enjoy.

huh? The LGB family? Sounds like a cult based on toy trains, kind of like the Manson family.


Prominence? with 114 members? Sheesh, my yahoo group is way over 1,000…

Self inflation.

But, it’s a good thing, it’s not here.


Greg Elmassian said:
Prominence? with 114 members? Sheesh, my yahoo group is way over 1,000...

Self inflation.

But, it’s a good thing, it’s not here.



Verne Pitts aka Marvin Brown, the Lone Railroader and probably a slew of other monikers depending on the forum, must have had his tongue firmly in his cheek. That is a refreshing change from having his foot in his mouth, which happens way more often. :wink: :slight_smile: :wink:

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
Verne Pitts aka Marvin Brown, the Lone Railroader and probably a slew of other monikers depending on the forum, must have had his tongue firmly in his cheek. That is a refreshing change from having his foot in his mouth, which happens way more often. ;) :) ;)
BZZT! Personal attack, HJ, 20 yard penalty. Loss of down.

Ah, yes. We’re playing American football, not European football. No brawls alowed! :lol:

At least its not Austrailian Rules Football, where you put your foot in the other guys mouth…:smiley:

Most that seem to play football around this forum are definitely not from Australia. It would be impossible for the opposing player to put his foot in the opponent’s mouth. The owner of the mouth already has his own foot there. :smiley:

Enough, guys, jesus

[God taps Bob on shoulder] “Yes?”