Bruce Chandler said:
Scale, gauge. Whatever. Keep in mind ONE thing:
It’s hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it’s damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.
Good point, of course.
I’ll never understand how people in a hobby will declare that the way they see something in their hobby is the only way to do so, as if there was some kind of absolute.
Heck, I had a guy look me in the eye at an NMRA event after hearing a I model narrow gauge taking place well east of the Mississippi and state that it was somehow quantifiable that nobody even should want to model any other narrow gauge line other than the D&RGW and questioned the sanity of anyone who would do otherwise. People simply quit talking, looking to see how I’d react. I didn’t argue but I simply said, “Nobody else is going to tell you this, but I will. For this opinion, you’re a total fool, and you’re not worth my time to endure you further,” and I walked away.
Not long after, several people in the room came up to me and tanked me for the response. “Why didn’t you tell them yourself before, then, if you felt this way?” I asked. They all shrugged or changed the subject.
I didn’t argue with him, but called it as I saw it, and left.