Large Scale Central

On track

Or maybe, track on.
Lovely warm, dry day today, so I dug out the track from the old layout and the new bits, and started reassembling it.
I knew that some of the rail joiners on the USA curved sections had cracked, but I didn’t look that closely when I was taking the old layout apart. Today, I found that only one or two of the joiners were not damaged. Fortunately, I had acquired sufficient replacements.
I decided to remove all the screws holding the rails to the tie sections, which may relieve some of the stresses on the joiners. All turnouts will use rail clamps.
Nice to see something taking shape at last.
Tomorrow (fingers crossed) I’ll get the main line done. Have to get the Dremel out and cut a few odd-length track sections to make it all fit.

It is good to hear of your progress, Chris…looks like almost a week of fair weather ahead…we are making good progress over here on the IPP&W also. Cheers

I’m sure it feels great to make some progress on the RR.
Hope the weather holds for you.

Ralph Berg said:
Chris, I'm sure it feels great to make some progress on the RR. Hope the weather holds for you. Ralph
After a lovely weekend, it is snowing here today :O First snow since February, most unusually. Mind you, it's more slush than snow: some stuck to the grass this morning, but by mid-afternoon it is melt-on-contact. Supposed to be nice and warm Wed thru Fri, then rain on the weekend :(

On Sunday, I laid out the main line and part of the quarry branch. Found my missing Dremel with the flex extension shaft, which made short work of trimming track to fit. Haven’t run a train yet, but youngest grandson did hand-propel a couple of HLW test cars around, and everything stayed on the rails – except when he pushed a little too hard :wink:

Fred: Your LGB turnouts are definitely going to come in handy. I’m redesigning “on the fly”, and thanks to those turnouts a loco shed and small yard have entered the affordable picture.

Took today off (I have to use up my '09-'10 vacation time before the end of May or lose it) and laid the quarry sidings. Old track offcuts suddenly found a use. Also tacked down the mainline track. After a brief, unscheduled rain dribble (wasn’t enough for a shower), fished power lines through the conduit, so that’s done.
Wet weekend forecast, but sun again next week, and warmer nights.
Very therapeutic, this railway building.

Rain and maybe tornadoes tonight, should be beautiful tomorrow and Sunday.

Chris Vernell said:
Very therapeutic, this railway building.
Yes it is. Add years to my life, I'm sure. Ralph