I finally booked my room for ECLSTS. First I checked on the web and there are rooms available at our regular hotel, the Holiday Inn on Loucks Road in York, PA.
The advance Purchase rate on the net is $98 (no cancellations allowed) - DON’T DO IT - Call the hotel and request the “EAST COAST LARGE SCALE TRAIN SHOW” rate of $94 that Fred secured last fall. The are still honoring that rate with cancellation as late as 6PM on arrival date.
I booked Thursday 3/29 through Saturday night 3/31. Tentative plans are to join the Illinois contingent to explore the EBT on Sunday. Sunday night will probably be on the road half way home. The old Lackawanna station hotel in Scranton would be my first choice, but it’s pricey and too close to home. Probably end up in a Days Inn somewhere on I-80.