Large Scale Central

Odd / Fun / Weird / Cheap Tools

Neil, I find it ironic that your metric 2x4’s are closer to being 2"x4" than ours. :grinning:

I looked through Kreg’s site, and no metric at all… But this one seems to handle 45mm:™-pocket-hole-jig-kit-oblique-puncher-driller-guide

There are so many makers of these jigs; perhaps a local (to you) home improvement store (selling metric lumber) might have ideas. At least enough to fill the stocking. :grin:

Settle down Cliff as you thing too much!

Rooster’s pocket self-screw tool!!

:grin: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :laughing:

CJ just reported himself for saying “screw tool”…

Which you should do !

Self moderation is all that our graceful site host has always asked for! However I personally have struggled with this for years but always staying loyal to LSC !

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Just channeling my inner capon…

You? Struggling with self-moderation? Nope, I don’t believe it.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Promoting smoking on a family-friendly site. Actually, none of my pipes (back in the day in the hood) were that flamboyant, but I had quite a selection and smoked all of them. That slowed down when our first daughter was born, and ended completely when Flying Dutchman changed their blend. But I remember smoking some weird blends like Barking Dog (doesn’t bite), Baby’s Bottom (smooth), and Sugar Barrel.

Keep on Trackin’, David Meashey

Oh, I’m so done with smoking… hope I didn’t give the wrong impression!!

Gave it up in 2010, after thirty years… With all the conditions I had and the rate I was smoking, I might not be alive now if I’d kept it up.

During a period when I gave cigs up for a pipe (stupid idea!!) my dentist said, “Oh, you smoke a pipe.” I said, “Oh, how can you tell?” He said “Cuz the entire roof of your mouth is cooked.” Ick.

But thanks for the point Mr Meashey (several David M’s here, no offense). I’ll try to be more sensitive to the family audience.

:+1: :+1: :+1:

Ha, you’re channeling Rooster as well. :grin:

My very profuse apologies for waylaying this thread so badly.

Back to the point, a few years ago at the York ECLSTS, Dave Bodnar gave a wonderful seminar session on tools and techniques he’d found helpful. One of them was a mini powered screwdriver. The prices have come down quite a bit on these. As an example,


I’d bet they’d drop the size in an instant if they could. The governing structural load is usually seismic down here in the shaky isles so the options are tied to the building code.

But now I’ve seen them, I want one. :laughing:

OTOH I just bought a second hand DCC Climax that came up locally so I have to explain that before I start my Xmas wish lists… :thinking:


Santa (aka Linda) brought me some 1-2-3 blocks, very cool.

They’re almost dripping with oil; so I’m wiping them down.

My intent is to use these for model-making (propping, clamping, etc.), so I’d like them to be really clean. My vague plan is to clean them in isopropyl. Or, to wipe them but that’s it (leaving some residue).

However, I’m guessing they’ll rust either way. For owners of such things, how do you keep them clean and rustproof?

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You can clean all the oil off, and wax them with automotive wax. this should be fine for indoor use/storage.

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Wayne, that’s a great idea.

Can that be used as well for, say, exposed steel table for a band or table saw? I’ve used wd-40 and a couple other oils but they haven’t stopped the rust.

I wonder if there’s a spray-wax that could to the same, perhaps for flooring or general rust prevention?


They make spray products specifically for cleaning and protecting saw tables, Google
Should work perfectly on your blocks and squares.

Like this?

My 1-2-3 blocks came in a nice oily wax paper that kept them nice and rust free for a while until I lost the wax paper.

They have a slight layer of rust, glue, etc on them now. For my use it’s not a big deal but I want to buy a few more and keep them rust free as well.

I used bees wax for my cast iron table saw, band saw table and Brynes saw. It seems to be a good rust protection and makes them slick enough.

As Wayne stated already and for what you are using them for in your “Controlled Environment” (been to your residence) you should be fine.
Just my opinion

Here is what I use but I’m sure any similar product will do, just don’t use anything with an oil or Silicon base or additive.

Edit to add link :blush:

Thanks for all the thoughts guys, much appreciated.

Made by the neverseize people, which reminds me of this

I’m sure rooster gets this , any mechanic will

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