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Odd / Fun / Weird / Cheap Tools

I like how those blocks are in precise inches, and take (I presume) normal 3/8-16 socket hd screws (without special features, right ?).

Prob time to retire mine and trade up…

Guess you’ll be making a presentation case for the wall for these?

Along the same lines, though not a tool, I used to buy #0 lag screws from, but for the last couple years haven’t had those. Their #1 and larger screws are plentiful though.

I contacted them quite a while back to see if they would re-offer #0’s, but the answer was no, their US supplier wouldn’t make them and MF refused to buy cheap ones from overseas.

Well… I’m willing to buy cheap ones from overseas, but haven’t found any. Has anyone had luck with that?

There’s 1-2-3 blocks that are 1.0001 +/-.05 and then there’s 1-2-3 blocks that are 1.0000000 +/-.01.

I have the cheap versions, and they are probably 0.010 out by now. But I’m not a machinist.

That’s the price difference.

A few years back my wife decided to finally trash her childhood awards. Before they hit the trash, I grabbed the faux marble bases for the workshop. Probably not precise but they work for decent measurements.

If you want to get really nerdy about measuring…

Or even nerdier. How long is a yard and therefore an inch or a thousandths of an inch.

If you attend Cabin Fever in Lebanon, PA this year you may score/find some used machinist squares,blocks and tools in the flea market section. I haven’t been there since they moved it from York to Lebanon however the 2 or 3 times I was there I scored some machinist tools for pretty much next to nothing.

There’s all kinds of spacers, blocks, angles and other set up stuff on Amazon.

I have a rectangle of black granite, a sample from the kitchen counter shop. Very useful!

I’m about to temporarily derail the thread I started, but please bear with me, I promise it’ll eventually apply.

I’m contemplating a new shop for “big” stuff, since my wife’s yarn business is taking off and she’s kicking me out of the garage. And the garage is where my shelves and rolling benches are… And my lovely wife wants those as well. :wink:

To this point in my life, when it comes to “big stuff,” I’ll confess that I’ve always been a drywall-screw-guy, letting the heads plow into the boards and not giving much thought. But if I have to make a new shop, maybe I need to get better at this.

While going over YT ideas on shelving, I started geeking out on pocket screw joinery.

Never occurred to me to use them myself, but after seeing how useful they can be, and how many screws I’ll be putting in to simple joints of 2x4’s, I might get a kit and go for it.

Several cheap guides exist, but the Kreg jig (not cheap) seems the most versatile.

Fortunately there are several vendors of the somewhat special screws required.

Anyone use this pocket screw stuff?

Yes I have used them on several projects, they work great and are nice and strong even without glue, with glue they are indestructible. Spend and. Get a Kreg and you will not be disappointed

I had a quick read of the specs and the Kreg seems to only go up to 1 1/2". Even gauged 2 x 4 might be a bit big?


I echo Pete’s comment. Originally bought for a kitchen remodel - oak cabinets but since used for various furniture projects. The genuine Kreg screws are awesome as well!

I’m with Manimal and Pete on this as I used them on my cabinets and other joints around the house. Kreg came up with a great system that has proven itself over the years. :sunglasses: :+1:

  • Yes to the pocket screw fittings - not a wood worker but was able to build 3 pantry doors using the pocket jig, Took a bit of practice but worked well

  • And back to Cliff’s original post, it reminded me that the distinctive red colored guides, angles, etc are probably a clone of Woodpecker tools, which makes very nice quality jigs and tools

Hi Neil,

“2x4” refers to a board that’s actually 1.5" x 3.5". So any nominal 2" board should work in the jig.

Thanks for all the pocket screw comments guys!

Cliff, many moons ago I had a jig for drilling holes for dowels to connect wood pieces. It made dowels very easy. Looked like this:–Royv2p4rKbbFQEE5SorXVVLOy5w

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Not in my house well at least 80% of it … :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It was all about me… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Gauged 2 x 4 in NZ is 90 x 45 mm or 1.7" wide. So I’m not gonna see one in the Xmas stocking this year.


Same with my moms house, the 2x4’s in the garage that are exposed look ginormous compared to any new wood from your local home center. And the bs of them all to thin and shrink plywood which is supposed to be dimensionally stable … any way enough ranting