Okay, I am revisiting this topic. Not sure why I can’t get this through my head, but it seems to be my foe. So not that I am working with CAD, I want to build an octagonal roof for a water tank to go with the sand house I am building for the MIK. I was planning on making it entirely 3D printed. Or at the very least make print the roof panels. Once again I am running into not being able to figure out the geometry. In playing with it I have decided that I want a 4" diameter tank. I want a 15 deg pitch to the roof. and about a 1/4" overhang on the faces of the eves (not the points).
I thought I could figure it out in CAD. But no go. So can someone help me, either with how to make it work in Fusion 360 (Dan?) or help me with the angles. The way I was trying to do it was to layout 1 half of each of the 8 panels that I could then mirror and attach to the first. By doing this I can draw the bevel easily. This general theory worked but I never got the bevel angle right. So as I went around the octagon by the time I got to my 16th half panel I could never get it to mate up. Instead of trying and retrying to get that angle right, can someone help me get that bevel angle and any other geometry I need so that my panels will meet up.
Or is there a better way to approach it?