Well. Late Friday night, I had a train to run in each main section 2 spare locos working in case something happened and Thomas to run now and then to amuse the kids. This morning, I had 4 locos that refused to run. Well, Thomas got to run all day, and after some fiddling, I got one of the others to run.
Mostly a track powered layout, but he’s converting to battery slowly. 2 of the miscreant locos are battery powered.
The RS3 with my battery plugged into the rear connector ran like a champ, and this little PICO engine that everybody says is cheap junk Sully never should have bought both ran beautifully all day. So did the trolly, Thomas and track powered Shay. The ill-behaved locos were 2 battery powered Dash 9’s a track powered Dash 9 and a track powered Mikado. All except the trolly, the PICO loco and the Shay have revolutions in them. After some fiddling and colorful metaphores, one of the battery Dash 9’s ran nicely until the battery went dead. The other battery Dash 9 keeps going into overload. The track powered Dash 9 just stops, still has the lights on, says Link OK, but refuses to go. Mikado keeps loosing power.
That little pico loco is quite a runner. I like it. Has nice detail, nice proportions and, when I set it on the track, it ALWAYS works.
After some frustration this morning, 6 trains ran most of the afternoon, till the working battery Dash 9 ran down, then 5 trains ran. Sully says his focus now is to convert the rest of the revolution locos to battery.