I just finished doing the first test run of my Fowler that I built from a Roundhouse kit .
I now have no finger prints , the kitchen ceiling has oil stains on it , the sink smells of steam loco , my nurse carer ran off when I tested the safety valve , I got so excited I had to have a squirt of nitrolingual , and my son said I should stick with diesels or even electrics . I shall kill him later when he’s not looking . That will be after I have changed into clean , non-oil-stained clothes that do not have steam oil clinging to them .
The Fowler enjoyed it , steamed well , no adjustments necessary , one crank bolt came undone and fell off but was quickly refitted----I think I went from forward to reverse a bit too quickly----so I am quite pleased .
Actually I’m quite smug and insufferable . “Didya see that , Didya , didya ?”
So , a question to all those who also are not traceable by the FBI (fingerprints) . Do I empty the boiler ? The automatic steam oiler put quite a bit of oil in .
Ain’t it fun though , huh ? Huh ?
I didn’t think I’d get so excited , I have three other steamers , all kit built , but there is that little bit of WHEEEEHEEEEE!!! when the wheels start turning for the first time under steam .
I shall go and lie down now .