Large Scale Central

Not quite a wasted weekend

Well, folks, last weekend was only about 90% fail. We - that is to say, three of us, representing the REAL miniature light railway of the Ramsey Miniature Light Railway Society [7.25" NG] set up our garden tent behind one of the pavilions at Huntingdon racecourse more in hope than in expectations. Needless to say, were not let down by our trust in the weather forecast. Snow, rain, hail and freezing temepratures.

Yup, we got them all, sometimes together.

The onlooking public at the region’s largest model train show [read 00, and 3mm and smaller] were amazed to see us there, freezing our sundry bits off, and trying to run gas-fired trains at minus temperatures…Suffice it to say that with a marked lack of hot water last saturday, I topped up the tender water bath on my Garratt with my precious coffee, adding a certain piquancy to the eclectic mixture of gas, oil, venison burgers and curry sauce.

Yesterday, having failed to attract any kind of a crowd who were not wrapped up like Baffin Bay coastguards, we packed up early and went home to thaw out.

I had fond memories of last year - sunblock, cool box full of colder stuff, portable fan and so on…but then LAST year it had been in the high 60’s at the same dates…

Weather like this, stick to r/c sparkies, and let the gas-fired live-steam stand on the display shelves…

tac, ig, ken the GFT and the Nutqa Sound Commemorative Comb-band Boys

I would figger at this stage of the game, you old timers would have acquired a bit more sense…:wink:

Ken just doesnt know how to have fun tac. If I was their with ya’s I would have had a smile on my face and enjoyed every second. Then yet I run trains in 8 degree temps lol.

Spring is my faverite and worst time of the year. It could be 70 degrees one week and 30 the next ugh… At least the weather will get better for the most part.

Venison and curry… life just doesn’t get any better than that.

Sorry about the weather, though. I’m still waiting for the glacier to recede here in beautiful downtown Deer Park.

Hey, Steve, dijja know that over here in yUK there is a serious over-population of deer of all species? Like about 750,000 too many?

While we were watching the wind blowing camper vans over in the adjacent carpark we were working out that it means that at present deer population v cull demotics, every man, woman and child in the yUK last sunday could eat eleven 1/4 pound venison burgers, three times a day, until September 2066…by happy coincidence, the Millenium Anniversary of the Battle of Hastings!

Not many folks knew that.

tac, ig ken the GFT & The Deer Meringue Pie Company Boys

Hiya Tac! There’s a reason they call this happy little valley Deer Park. A park is an old word used around here to mean a flat valley floor, and, well, the deer part is self explanatory. :slight_smile:

I can sit on my porch, take aim and stock the freezer with yearlings, and they just keep coming. It doesn’t hardly seem sportin’…

I hadn’t given much thought to the Millenium Anniversary of the Battle of Hastings, but running the numbers, you are right! In 2066, it will have been 1000 years since Billy Boy forded the Channel and sent Alfred packing. How time flies. I wonder if I had any Great Grand Sires in that dust-up?

Uh, that would have been Harold, not Alfred.

Just sayin’.

Hereabouts, you CAN shoot deer, but not from your back porch. The neighbours, ten feet away, get twitchy…

tac, ig, ken the GFT & The No-name Boys

You’re right, my bad. That’s what I get for trying to rely on my memory.

If there is one thing I learned from my time in the Navy, “If you have a chance to look it up, do so. Never rely on your memory, it will always fail you at the worst possible moment.” See Murphy.