Large Scale Central

Northeast Model Railroad Open Houses

Again this year over 200 model railraoder’s will open their layouts to the public beginning at the end of Oct through the end of November. And again, I signed up for the end of Oct.

Check the schedule and if any are near you plan to go visit.

"The Model Railroad Open Houses are an annual event which has showcased local model train layouts in DE, MD, PA and NJ for more than 30 years.

This year’s schedule features a record-setting number of 124 layouts, including 32 new, for a total of 202 open houses. This still remains the largest collection of open houses that exists today (that I am aware of).

Again this year, a great effort has been made to group layouts in common geographic areas on the same date. This allows people to see multiple layouts in one day. If you look at the schedule you will notice that New Jersey, led by PJ Mattson and Delaware, led by Joe Walters are grouped on November 3 and 9. Dale Ridgeway in Maryland has coordinated layouts to be open on November 8 and 24, and Chuck Kadyk has done so for Central PA for the 2 and 9. Jerry Britton has stepped up his role this year and is handling more of Central and Western PA for us and they are all open on November 2, 9 and 16."

Thanks for the heads up Ken