Nice medium size show, several operating layouts including proto48 and our local live steam group will have thier portable layout up and running G scale live steamers of all types. Others are welcome to come raise steam or just hang out. Steaming layout is indoors in the main show area, beat the cold and raise some steam with us. Usually a wee bit of large scale stuff for sale among the smaller scale stuff. Stop by the shop in Zionsville, just a short distance from the show that does cater to predominantly G scale(but has branched out into other scales). Held at the Hamilton County 4H fair grounds in Noblesville, 10am till 3pm, $3 for individuals, $5 for families. Several other train shops within a short drive. Mr Muffins in Atlanta, Train Central and Zionsville Train Depot in the Indy area, and Tolins and The Train Exchange in Kokomo. Mike