Large Scale Central

NHGRS 2016

NHGRS is gearing up for another great year of club activities. We’re starting things off again in Springfield MA at the Amherst Model railway show. Here, we will be setting up our famed Big Green modular layout in a somewhat smaller-than-full configuration. I’m also pleased to hear we will again be participating in the York convention. In addition to our usual lineup of assorted local shows, we are in the process of adding a new NHGRS-sponsored show in southeastern NH this spring. Further planning for 2016 open houses and outdoor events is ongoing.

If you live in or around New Hampshire and you would be interested in joining our club, this is a great time to do it before all the action begins! Please visit for more information and to join today. Feel free to PM me any questions you may have about NHGRS.

NHGRS membership. / VP

Planning on going to the Springfield show on Saturday, will be looking for the layout!