Greetings, All.
I just joined the forum after lurking for a few days.
Not too much claim to fame, other than understanding sectional track geometry and math well enough to create a few well fitting (kink free) track recipes.
I have sold G Christmas Trains on e-bay.
Dave (my friend in low places) actually answers when he sees my name come up on the caller I.D. (Special modification to submarine intercom system.)
I have long admired Kevin’s, Phil’s and Bruce’s work. There are others whose names I can’t quickly recall. Sorry for the omission. Go Barry, Tony and Dave.
Ever heard of the 50/50/90 rule? Say your wife sends you to pick something up. You get to the store and are surprised to find there are 2 choices. There is a 50-50 chance of getting it right, yet a 90 percent certainty that you’ll get it wrong.
You’ve seen the bumper sticker “If you can read this, you’re too close.” I was following a hitch equipped SUV the other day with a sticker that said “If you can read this, I’ve lost my trailer.”
Just in case my signature info doesn’t show up: Sincerely, Joe Satnik