Large Scale Central

New Yard for Chandler

So the town of Chandler on the WV&K was originally planned as an industrial switching stop alone the line…as such a passing siding and a spur were deemed all that was needed to feed the industrial switching area…welp…things changed…I decided that Chandler was to become the end of the WV&K mainline and the beginning of the mining branch to Buchanan, as well as an indutrial switching area…with all this activity planned I decided that a new two track yard was needed…

This is actually put together using mostly lumber salavaged from an earlier trackwork project that was dismantled…

The original spur track is going to be an industry…I’m going t put a wedge shaped warehouse of some sort in the area between the new yard and the siding…the town of Chandler proper will be to the right across the tracks inside the loop…the chandler industrial area will be a peninsula comeing off the benchwork between the yard and the track curving to the right…

Ok so we know ya both got yer period…back on topic…

Looking good with the additions Bart

So the industry in Chandler is candel making?


No, no no - it has to be a marine supply warehouse.


“lumber salavaged from an earlier trackwork project that was dismantled.”

Really? You had old dismantled track work around?

Ric Golding said:

Really? You had old dismantled track work around?

Doesn’t he always?

So despite constant thunder bumpers fer the last week…I’ve managed to build two turnouts and fabricate and install three Canadian Grounds throws in the yard. Even got some track in place…the industrial track is going to be handlaid on wooden ties, so I havn’t gotten to that yet…


Theres about 24 ft total of storage in the yard…I’m going to finish it out closer to the end of the benchwork with some odd bits of rail and make some nifty end of track devices …


Coming along nicely, Bart

Bart Salmons said:

and make some nifty end of track devices …

bricks or cinder blocks?

I go for the Mills Mk I track bumper, though mine aren’t nearly as fancy as Fred’s
